[§249-31.5]  Exemptions [from registration fees] for certain vehicles; disabled veterans.  (a)  A disabled veteran who:

     (1)  Is a resident of Hawaii;

     (2)  Has been other than dishonorably discharged from the United States uniformed armed forces;

     (3)  Is determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its predecessor to have a service-connected one hundred per cent disability rating for compensation or a service-connected disability rating of one hundred per cent; and

     (4)  Is in receipt of disability retirement pay from any branch of the uniformed armed forces,

shall be exempt from payment of all annual vehicle registration fees as required by section 249-31.  This exemption shall not extend to vehicles used for commercial purposes, nor to more than one vehicle owned by the disabled veteran.

     (b)  The director of the office of veterans' services, in consultation with the policy advisory board on [veterans'] services, shall submit a report to the legislature and the department of taxation no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session providing the legislature and the department of taxation with the total number of disabled veterans who qualify under this section for the exemption from annual vehicle registration fees. [L 2015, c 128, §1]