[§11-393]  Identification of certain top contributors to noncandidate committees making only independent expenditures.  (a)  An advertisement shall contain an additional notice in a prominent location immediately after or below the notices required by section 11-391, if the advertisement is broadcast, televised, circulated, or published, including by electronic means, and is paid for by a noncandidate committee that certifies to the commission that it makes only independent expenditures.  This additional notice shall start with the words, "The three top contributors for this advertisement are", followed by the names of the three top contributors, as defined in subsection (e), who made the highest aggregate contributions to the noncandidate committee for the purpose of funding the advertisement; provided that:

     (1)  If a noncandidate committee is only able to identify two top contributors who made contributions for the purpose of funding the advertisement, the additional notice shall start with the words, "The two top contributors for this advertisement are", followed by the names of the two top contributors;

     (2)  If a noncandidate committee is able to identify only one top contributor who made contributions for the purpose of funding the advertisement, the additional notice shall start with the words, "The top contributor for this advertisement is", followed by the name of the top contributor;

     (3)  If a noncandidate committee is unable to identify any top contributors who made contributions for the purpose of funding the advertisement, the additional notice shall start with the words, "The three top contributors for this noncandidate committee are", followed by the names of the three top contributors who made the highest aggregate contributions to the noncandidate committee; and

     (4)  If there are no top contributors to the noncandidate committee, the noncandidate committee shall not be subject to this section.

In no case shall a noncandidate committee be required to identify more than three top contributors pursuant to this section.

     (b)  If a noncandidate committee has more than three top contributors who contributed in equal amounts, the noncandidate committee may select which of the top contributors to identify in the advertisement; provided that the top contributors not identified in the advertisement did not make a higher aggregate contribution than those top contributors who are identified in the advertisement.  The additional notice required for noncandidate committees described under this subsection shall start with the words "Three of the top contributors for this advertisement are" or "Three of the top contributors to this noncandidate committee are", as appropriate, followed by the names of the three top contributors.

     (c)  This section shall not apply to advertisements broadcast by radio or television of such short duration that including a list of top contributors in the advertisement would constitute a hardship to the noncandidate committee paying for the advertisement.  A noncandidate committee shall be subject to all other requirements under this part regardless of whether a hardship exists pursuant to this subsection.  The commission shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to establish criteria to determine when including a list of top contributors in an advertisement of short duration constitutes a hardship to a noncandidate committee under this subsection.

     (d)  Any noncandidate committee that violates this section shall be subject to a fine under section 11-410.

     (e)  For purposes of this part, "top contributor" means a contributor who has contributed an aggregate amount of $10,000 or more to a noncandidate committee within a twelve-month period prior to the purchase of an advertisement. [L 2013, c 112, §2]