Part I. General Provisions
325-1 Diseases or conditions declared communicable
or dangerous to public health
325-1.5 Purpose
325-2 Physicians, laboratory directors, and
health care professionals to report
325-2.5 Health care-associated infection reporting
325-3 Others to report
325-4 Identity of patients safeguarded
325-5 Antitoxins, antiserums, vaccines, biologics,
and drugs
325-6 Epidemic control
325-7 Repealed
325-8 Infected persons and quarantine
325-9 Quarantine without removal; duty of police
officers to assist in removals and enforcement
of quarantine
325-10, 11 Repealed
325-12 Common drinking cup prohibited
325-13 Rules
325-14 Penalty
325-15 Infectious and communicable diseases,
examination and treatment
325-16 Informed consent for testing or disclosure
325-16.5 Counseling and testing of sexual assault victims;
testing of sex offenders upon request of victim
325-17 Quality assurance standards for HIV antibody testing
325-18 Advisory committees for health care workers infected
with blood-borne infections
325-19 Rubella testing of pregnant women
325-20 Agreements; collaborative assistance in control of
disease outbreaks
325-21 Sale of sterile syringes for the prevention of disease
Part II. Vaccination and Immunization
325-31 Repealed
325-32 Immunization against infectious diseases
325-33 Performance of vaccination and immunization
325-34 Exemptions
325-35 Forms and procedures
325-36 Duty of adult, or of parent, guardian, or caregiver
325-37 Fraud; wilful misrepresentation; failure to
comply; penalties
325-38 Immunization of indigent, medically indigent, and
other persons
Part III. Congenital Syphilis
325-51 Blood samples of pregnant women required
325-52 Serologic tests; reports
325-53 Reports of blood tests
325-54 Reports confidential; penalty
325-55 Rules and regulations
325-56 Penalty
Part IV. Tuberculosis
325-71 Reports by physicians and others
325-72 Examination of sputum
325-73 Protection of record; penalty
325-74 Physicians; precautions; instructions
325-75 Reporting recovery of patient
325-76 Examinations for tuberculosis
325-77 Notice
325-78 Test and treatment for tuberculosis
325-79 to 84 Repealed
Part V. Hepatitis
325-91 Blood transfusion; hepatitis
325-92 Prenatal hepatitis B screening and treatment of
Part VI. HIV Infection, ARC, and AIDS
325-101 Confidentiality of records and information
325-102 Civil penalty
325-103 Custodian of records
325-104 Responsibility to report
Part VII. Needle Exchange Program
325-111 Definitions
325-112 Sterile needle and syringe exchange program
325-113 Operation of the program
325-114 Criminal liability
325-115 Program oversight committee
325-116 Reports
325-117 Termination of the program
Part VIII. Immunization Registry
325-121 Definitions
325-122 Hawaii immunization registry; establishment
and purposes
325-123 Confidentiality and content of registry records
325-124 Purposes for access to registry information;
access not a disclosure
325-125 Registry record requirements; duration of retention
325-126 Civil and criminal liability
Part VIII. Immunization Registry
325-121 Definitions
325-123 Confidentiality and content of registry records
325-124 Purposes for access to registry information; access
not a disclosure
325-125 Registry record requirements; duration of retention
Cross References
Management and disposal of infectious wastes, see §321-21.
Vaccinations for children by pharmacist, see §461-11.4.