Part I. Circuits and Judges
603-1 Judicial circuits
603-2 Title
603-3 First circuit court judges
603-4 Other circuits; judges
603-5 Salary of circuit court judges
603-6 Residence of judge
603-7 Repealed
Part II. Sessions
603-11 Separate sessions at same time
603-12 Sessions, held where
603-13 Repealed
603-14 Place of trial; signature of judge
603-15 Repealed
603-16 Continuance of hearing or trial
603-17 Repealed
Part III. Jurisdiction and Powers
603-21 Repealed
603-21.5 General
603-21.6 Probate
603-21.7 Nonjury cases
603-21.8 Appeals
603-21.9 Powers
603-22 Repealed
603-23 Injunction of violation of laws and ordinances
603-23.5 Action to enjoin violation of section 708-871;
action for damages
603-24 to 28 Repealed
603-29 Order to show cause
Part IV. Venue
603-36 Actions and proceedings, where to be brought
603-37 Change of venue
603-37.5 Cure or waiver of defects
Part V. Assignment to Another Circuit; Temporary
Assignment of Retired Circuit Judges
603-41 When judge may be required to preside in another
circuit; temporary assignment of retired circuit
603-42 Repealed
Part VI. Rent Control Appeals
603-46 Repealed
As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of the court, see note preceding Title 32.
Transfer of matters pending in any state court as of July 1, 2015, to environmental courts, as directed by the chief justice of the supreme court. L 2014, c 218, §9.
Cross References
Intermediate sanctions for selected offenders and defendants, see §§353-10.5, 353-63.5, and 706-605.1.
Rules of Court
See generally Hawaii Rules of Civil Procedure; Hawaii Rules of Penal Procedure.
See generally Hawaii Court Records Rules; Hawaii Electronic Filing and Service Rules.
Law Journals and Reviews
Settling Civil Lawsuits in the Hawaii Circuit Courts. 10 HBJ, no. 13, at 1 (2007).
Electronic Discovery: A Call for a New Rules Regime for the Hawai‘i Courts. 32 UH L. Rev. 153 (2009).