Hawaii health insurance exchange
435H-1 Definitions
435H-2 Establishment of the Hawaii health insurance
exchange; purpose
435H-2.5 Hawaii health connector
435H-3 Funding
435H-3.5 Hawaii health connector annual sustainability plan
435H-4 Board of directors; composition; operation
435H-5 Officers and employees of the Hawaii health
435H-6 Eligibility of insurers and plans
435H-7 Repealed
435H-7.5 Connector legislative oversight committee
435H-7.6 Reports; submission to the connector legislative
oversight committee
435H-8 Oversight; rate regulation
435H-9 Effect on the prepaid health care act
435H-10 Rules
435H-11 Network adequacy
435H-12 Agents and brokers
State innovation waiver task force; health care reform plan; reports to 2015-2017 legislature (dissolved June 30, 2017). L 2014, c 158.
Cross References
Health care provider network adequacy, see chapter 432F.