Part I
388-1 Definitions
388-2 Semimonthly payday; method of payment of wages
388-3 Employees who are separated from the payroll before
388-4 Payment of wages to relatives of deceased employees
388-5 Unconditional payment of wages conceded to be due
388-5.5 Payment of wages by check or electronic transfer
388-5.7 Payment of wages by pay cards
388-6 Withholding of wages
388-7 Notification, posting, and records
388-8 Provisions of law may not be waived by agreement
388-9 Enforcement
388-10 Penalties
388-11 Employees remedies
388-12 Reciprocal agreements with other states; actions
388-13 Rules and regulations
Part II
388-31 to 33 Repealed
Part III
388-41 Advance notice of termination of employment
388-42 Other applicable provisions
Part IV. Job Application Processing Fees
388-51 Job application processing fee
388-52 Penalties
Case Notes
Chapters 387 and 388 serve to prevent employer from withholding sums or benefits to which employee has rights by virtue of contract with employer, not a predecessor. 661 F.2d 776.
Plaintiff hotel employees' claim pursuant to this chapter was not preempted by §301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §185(a), because the claim asserted a state-law right that was independent of any right conferred by their collective bargaining agreement ("agreement"); further, agreement did not need to be interpreted in resolving this claim. 835 F. Supp. 2d 914 (2011).
Chapter establishes clear mandate of public policy to protect at will employee from being discharged for asserting rights accorded employee by its provisions, and does not itself provide sufficient remedy for discharge; no legislative intent to supersede at will employee’s common law remedy for wrongful discharge detected. 10 H. App. 250, 865 P.2d 170 (1994).