
    387-1 Definitions

    387-2 Minimum wages

    387-3 Maximum hours

    387-4 Wage discrimination prohibited

  387-4.5 Provisions of law may not be waived by agreement

    387-5 Duty of director; employees, salaries

    387-6 Employer's records; posting of notices; furnishing of

          pay data; director's rights and duties

    387-7 Wilful violations; penalty

    387-8 Disclosure of information

    387-9 Special minimum wages for learners; apprentices;

          full-time students; paroled wards of Hawaii youth

          correctional facility; handicapped workers

   387-10 Oaths; affidavits; subpoenas; witnesses; immunities

   387-11 Rules and regulations

   387-12 Penalties; collection of unpaid wages; injunctions;


   387-13 Right of collective bargaining protected

   387-14 State-federal cooperation

   387-15 Relation to child labor law


Law Journals and Reviews


  Employee Rights Under Judicial Scrutiny:  Prevalent Policy Discourse and the Hawai‘i Supreme Court.  14 UH L. Rev. 189 (1992).


Case Notes


  Chapters 387 and 388 serve to prevent employer from withholding sums or benefits to which employee has rights by virtue of contract with employer, not a predecessor.  661 F.2d 776.

  Regardless of whether this chapter can form the basis of a Parnar action, Hawaii law indicated that appellants (ramp supervisor and ramp agent who contended that they were terminated by airline in connection with ramp supervisor's wage and hour complaint, in violation of public policy) had not produced sufficient evidence to survive summary judgment on such a claim, even if it did exist.  281 F.3d 1054 (2002).



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