REPEALED.  L 1976, c 217, §2.





         Part I.  General Provisions


    349-1 Declaration of purpose; support; duties

    349-2 Executive office on aging; appointments

    349-3 General functions, duties, and powers of the director

  349-3.1 Kupuna care program

  349-3.2 Alzheimer's disease and related dementia services


    349-4 Policy advisory board for elder affairs;

          lifetime honorary kupuna

    349-5 Administrative and program support for the executive

          office on aging

    349-6 State master plan for elders

    349-7 Recognition as responsible state agency

    349-8 Powers of other departments and agencies; cooperation

          with the executive office on aging

    349-9 County functions

   349-10 Annual senior citizen's fair

   349-11 State policy for senior centers

   349-12 to 14 Renumbered


          Part II.  Caregiver Support Services

   349-15 Coordination and development of caregiver support



          Part III.  Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman

   349-21 Office of the long-term care ombudsman

   349-22 Access to long-term care facilities

   349-23 Retaliatory acts by facilities or facility employees


   349-24 Wilful interference; prohibited

   349-25 Posting and distribution of information


          Part IV.  Aging and Disability Resource Centers


   349-31 Definitions

   349-32 Aging and disability resource centers; established




  Long-term care policy goals and guidelines.  L 2008, c 224, §§2, 3.

  Long-term care public education and awareness campaign; report to 2017 legislature.   L 2014, c 151, §7.

  Nursing facility sustainability program (repealed June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2015).  L 2012, c 156; L 2013, c 142; L 2014, c 124.

  Task force on mobility management; reports to 2014-2015 legislature (dissolved June 30, 2015).  L 2013, c 214, §6.

  L 2008, c 241, §2 provides:

  "SECTION 2.  The department of human services shall apply to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to allow persons who are eligible to receive medicaid funds for care at nursing home facilities to remain at home and receive home- and community-based long-term care; provided that the cost for the home- and community-based services shall not exceed the total expenditures that would have been incurred if the person received facility-based long-term care, services, or support."


Cross References


  Actions or penalties for violations committed against elders, see §§28-94, 412:3-114.5, 444-10.7, 480-13, 480-13.5, 485A-603.5, 485A-604.5, and 487-14.

  Administration of long term care service development fund, see §321-22.


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