673-1 Waiver of immunity
673-2 Right to sue
673-3 Exhaustion of administrative remedies
673-4 Scope of relief
673-5 Attorney's fees and costs
673-6 Award or judgment as bar
673-7 Limited remedy
673-8 Proof of liability
673-9 Inapplicability to share of office of Hawaiian affairs
673-10 Limitation on actions; native Hawaiians
Cross References
Lands conveyed for development of housing projects, see §§10-13.6 and 171-18.5.
Law Journals and Reviews
The Native Hawaiian Trusts Judicial Relief Act: The First Step in an Attempt to Provide Relief. 14 UH L. Rev. 889.
Courts and the Cultural Performance: Native Hawaiians' Uncertain Federal and State Law Rights to Sue. 16 UH L. Rev. 1 (1994).
Case Notes
Where breach of trust claims were for damages resulting from the State's breach of trust duties and did not require a determination of the office of Hawaiian affairs' proportionate share of revenues under §673-9, this chapter applied to the instant claims. 110 H. 338, 133 P.3d 767 (2006).
Where plaintiffs failed to comply with the sixty-day notice requirement for filing suit under §673-3, this failure precluded the supreme court from reviewing any claims brought under this chapter. 110 H. 338, 133 P.3d 767 (2006).