Part I. General Provisions
342G-1 Definitions
342G-2 Solid waste management priorities
342G-3 Goals
Part II. Administration
342G-11 Administration
342G-12 Office of solid waste management, establishment
342G-12.5 Recycling coordinator
342G-13 Powers and duties of the department
342G-14 Powers and duties of the office of solid waste
342G-15 Annual report
Part III. Integrated Solid Waste Management Planning
342G-21 Establishment of county integrated solid waste
management plans
342G-22 Development of county integrated solid waste
management plans
342G-23 State review of county integrated solid waste
management plans
342G-24 Submission schedule for revised integrated solid
waste management plans
342G-25 Contents of county integrated solid waste management
342G-26 Contents of the program element
342G-27 Contents of the facility capacity and siting element
342G-28 Facility permitting
342G-29 Revisions to the state integrated solid waste
management plan
342G-30 Records
342G-31 Guidelines
Part IV. Governmental Coordination
342G-41 Goals for recycled product procurement
342G-42 Office responsibilities for recycled products
342G-43 Reporting
342G-44 Double-sided copying
342G-45 Establishment of an office paper and other materials
recovery program
342G-46 Coordination of bioconversion programs
342G-47 State agency responsibilities in the promotion of
342G-48 Recycling market development
342G-49 Repealed
Part V. Solid Waste Management Surcharge
342G-61 Solid waste collection surcharge
342G-62 Solid waste disposal surcharge
342G-63 Establishment of the environmental management
special fund
342G-64 Administration of the environmental management
special fund
Part VI. Enforcement and Penalties
342G-71 Penalties
342G-72 Enforcement
Part VII. Glass Container Recovery
342G-81 Definitions
342G-82 Advance disposal fee
342G-83 Glass container importers; registration,
recordkeeping requirements
342G-84 Deposit into environmental management special fund;
distribution to counties
342G-85 Container inventory report and payment
342G-86 County glass recovery programs; requirements
342G-87 Contract for administrative services
342G-88, 89 Repealed
Part VIII. Deposit Beverage Container Program
342G-101 Definitions
342G-101.5 Commercial passenger vessels; exemption
342G-102 Deposit beverage container fee
342G-102.5 Repealed
342G-103 Deposit beverage distributors; registration,
recordkeeping requirements
342G-104 Deposit into deposit beverage container deposit
special fund; use of funds
342G-105 Deposit beverage container inventory report and
342G-106 Contract for administrative services
342G-107 Management and financial audit
342G-108 Reserved
342G-109 Rules; commencement
342G-110 Payment and application of deposits
342G-111 Sales of beverages in deposit beverage containers;
distributor report; fee and deposit payment
342G-112 Deposit beverage container requirements
342G-113 Redemption of empty deposit beverage containers
342G-114 Redemption centers
342G-114.5 Repealed
342G-115 Reverse vending machine requirements
342G-116 Refusal of refund value payment for a deposit
beverage container
342G-117 Handling fees and refund values for certified
redemption centers
342G-118 Reserved
342G-119 Redemption center reporting
342G-120 Recycling facility reporting
342G-121 Audit authority
342G-122 Advisory committee
342G-123 Repealed
Cross References
Construction projects; recycled glass requirements, see §103D-407.
Litter control, see chapter 339.
Plastic container coding, see §§342H-41, 42.
Special wastes recycling, see chapter 342I.
Law Journals and Reviews
Municipal Waste Combustion: A Wasted Investment? 12 UH L. Rev. 215.