REPEALED. L 1992, c 240, §2.
Part I. Definitions and General Provisions
342B-1 Definitions
342B-2 Administration
342B-3 General functions, duties, and powers of the director
342B-4 Other powers of department and director not affected
342B-5 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules
342B-5.5 Exemptions
342B-6 Short title
342B-7 Annual reports
Part II. Air Pollution
342B-11 Prohibition
342B-12 Specific powers of the director
342B-13 Public participation
342B-14 Variances
342B-15 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters
342B-16 Research, educational, and training programs
342B-17 Air quality modelers
342B-18 Annual reports to neighboring communities
342B-19 Unpermitted releases; timely notice
Part III. Permit Program
342B-21 Specific functions, duties, and powers of the director
342B-22 Permit and permit renewal; requirements
342B-23 Application for permit
342B-24 Action on a permit application
342B-25 Approval of permit
342B-26 General and temporary permits; single permit
342B-27 Other permit action
342B-28 Recordkeeping and monitoring requirements
342B-29 Fees
342B-30 Judicial review
342B-31 Government records; confidential information
342B-32 Clean air special fund
342B-33 Minimum permit conditions
342B-34 Exceptions
342B-35 Crematoriums
Part IV. Enforcement and Penalties
342B-41 Inspection of premises
342B-42 Enforcement
342B-43 Emergency powers; procedures
342B-44 Injunctive and other relief
342B-45 Citation
342B-46 Appeal
342B-47 Civil penalties
342B-48 Administrative penalties
342B-49 Criminal penalties
342B-50 Disposition of collected fines and penalties
342B-51 Enforcement by state and county authorities
342B-52 Nonliability of department personnel
342B-53 Other action not barred
342B-54 Priority in courts
342B-55 Consent orders; settlement agreements
342B-56 Citizen suits
Part V. Small Business Assistance Program
342B-61 Small business assistance program
342B-62 Compliance advisory council; establishment;
appointment, number, and term of members; duties
342B-63 Small business ombudsman for air pollution control;
qualifications; duties
Part VI. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
342B-71 Statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit, adoption
342B-72 Greenhouse gas emissions limits; rules
342B-73 Schedule of fees; establishment
Department of transportation's bridge rehabilitation and replacement program; temporary exemption from certain construction requirements of this chapter through June 30, 2017 or until completion. L 2012, 2 218.
Cross References
Asbestos and lead pollution control, see chapter 342P.
Indoor air quality program, see §§321-411 to 413.
Law Journals and Reviews
Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Hawai‘i. 16 UH L. Rev. 85.
Ala Loop and the Private Right of Action Under Hawai‘i Constitution Article XI, Section 9: Charting a Path Toward a Cohesive Enforcement Scheme. 33 UH L. Rev. 367 (2010).