[§321-192.5]  Substance abuse treatment monitoring program.  (a)  To determine the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment services and maintain accurate numbers of individuals receiving publicly funded substance abuse treatment, the department shall establish a statewide substance abuse treatment monitoring program to collect the following information from all treatment providers accredited by the department, pursuant to section 321-198, on every individual who receives substance abuse treatment paid by public funds.  Treatment providers shall report admission and discharge data, as determined by the department, with a final annual report due no later than sixty days after the close of the fiscal year, which shall include:

     (1)  An accurate count of all admissions and discharges during the reporting period;

     (2)  An unduplicated count of individuals served by each treatment provider;

     (3)  Demographic data on each individual as determined by the department, which may include age, race, ethnicity, employment status, source of payment, source of referral to treatment, length of treatment, and the primary substance for which treatment was sought;

     (4)  Data on the number of individuals who were discharged due to successful completion of treatment and the reasons individuals withdrew from treatment during the reporting period;

     (5)  Six-month follow-up data on persons who were discharged due to successful completion of treatment, reporting on criteria for measurement of successful treatment as determined by the department; and

     (6)  Any other information deemed relevant by the department to assess the effectiveness of treatment on each individual.

     (b)  The department shall establish criteria to measure the success of treatment for individuals and establish criteria to determine whether the treatment provider is achieving success in treating individuals with substance abuse.  The department shall include in the contract with the treatment provider all criteria to determine whether the treatment provider is achieving success in treating individuals with substance abuse.

     (c)  The department shall include the information under subsection (a) as part of the annual report to the legislature under section 321-195.

     (d)  This section shall not be construed to abrogate an individual's right to privacy.  The department shall implement sufficient protections to ensure that the identity of a recipient of substance abuse treatment services remains strictly confidential and that aggregate data collected pursuant to this section is used solely for the purpose of this section. [L 2004, c 40, §24]



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