482B-1 Short title
482B-2 Definitions
482B-3 Injunctive relief
482B-4 Damages
482B-5 Attorney's fees
482B-6 Preservation of secrecy
482B-7 Statute of limitations
482B-8 Effect on other law
482B-9 Severability
Case Notes
By alleging an induced breach of a confidentiality agreement or a non-disclosure agreement, plaintiff had also alleged that defendants improperly acquired trade secret information; those claims were sufficiently related to plaintiff's allegations of trade secret misappropriation to warrant preemption under this chapter; defendants' motion to dismiss granted. 780 F. Supp. 2d 1061.
Trade secrets may be subject to equitable division pursuant to §580-47, depending upon when the right to the trade secret vested. 99 H. 101, 53 P.3d 240.