Part I. General
445-1 Definition: "Treasurer"
445-2 Treasurer to issue
445-3 Signed by whom
445-4 Fees in advance
445-5 Fees; date when due and payable
445-6 Place of business
445-7, 8 Repealed
445-9 Canceled on transferring, etc., business; penalty
445-10 Term of license
445-11 Exposed to view; penalty
445-12 Business without license forbidden; not transferable;
445-112.5 Vehicular advertising prohibited; penalty
445-13 License inspectors
445-14 Limits of license
445-15 Control by ordinance
445-16 Repealed
Part II. Auction
445-21 Fee
445-22 Public auction unlawful when
445-23 Hours for auctions
445-24 Fictitious bids
445-25 Description of goods sold considered warranties
445-26 Auction at places other than auction room; mock
445-27 Penalty
445-28 Place of public auction room
445-29 Designation of place for business
445-30 Record books
445-31 Bond
445-32 Suit to enjoin violation and action for damages
445-33 Suit on bond
445-34 Suit at whose cost
445-35 Auctioneer's charges
445-36 Auctioneer may sue
445-37 Public officers, etc., may sell without
445-38 Auctioneer's agent
Part IIA. Food Products--Repealed
445-71, 72 Repealed
Part III. Lodging or Tenement Houses, Hotels, and
445-90 Definitions
445-90.5 Exemption
445-91 Repealed
445-92, 93 Repealed
445-94 Certificates
445-95 Conditions for conditional operation
445-95.1 Unfair or deceptive practices prohibited
445-95.2 Unfair and deceptive practices defined
445-95.3 Powers of the director
445-95.4 Penalty
445-95.5 Suits by the State
445-95.6 Suits by individuals
445-95.7 Jurisdiction, venue
445-96 Penalty
445-97, 98 Repealed
Part IV. Outdoor Advertising
445-111 Definitions
445-112 Where and when permitted
445-113 Regulation by counties
445-114 Unlawful posting in public places
445-115 Same; consent of owner
445-116 to 119 Repealed
445-120 Enforcement by civil suit
445-121 Penalty
Part V. Pawnbrokers
445-131 Definitions
445-132 Fee
445-133, 134 Repealed
445-134.11 Pawn transaction agreement; disclosure requirements
445-134.12 Pawn finance charge
445-134.13 Prohibited practices
445-134.14 Redemption of pledged goods
445-134.15 Pawnbroker's recourse
445-134.16 Pawnbroker liability
445-134.17 Recordkeeping
445-134.18 Compliance with other applicable law
445-134.19 Conformity with federal law
445-135 Acting without license; penalty
445-136 Breach of condition; penalty
Part VI. Peddlers
445-141 Licensing
Part VII. Secondhand Dealers
445-171 Fee, conditions
445-172 Prohibitions; penalty
Part VIII. Solicitors--Repealed
445-181 to 186 Repealed
Part IX. Vehicles and Drivers for Hire--Repealed
445-221 to 226 Repealed
Part X. Scrap Dealers
445-231 Definitions
445-232 License
445-233 Statement required
445-233.5 Payment of copper purchased by scrap dealer or
recycler; check; mailing
445-234 Applicability
445-235 Prohibitions; penalty
Repealed parts under former scheme of chapter and as referenced in text are not reflected in above analysis.