421J-1 Scope
421J-1.5 Interpretation
421J-2 Definitions
421J-3 Board of directors
421J-4 Proxies
421J-5 Meetings of the board of directors; committee
or subcommittee
421J-6 Robert's Rules of Order
421J-7 Documents of the association
421J-7.5 Restatement of association documents
421J-8 Membership list
421J-9 Notification of assessment increases
421J-10 Attorneys' fees and expenses of enforcement
421J-10.5 Association fiscal matters; lien for assessments
421J-10.6 Association fiscal matters; collection of unpaid
assessments from tenants or rental agents
421J-11 Applicability of other laws
421J-12 Amendment of association documents when no
procedure provided
421J-13 Mediation of disputes
421J-14 First annual meeting of association
421J-15 Service of process
Cross References
Placement of clotheslines, see §196-8.5.