261 Aeronautics
261C Hawaii Air Carriers--Repealed
261D Transportation Use Special Fund
261E Hawaii Air Carriers
262 Airport Zoning Act
263 Uniform Aeronautics Act (Modified)
263A Alcohol and Aviation Safety
264 Highways
265 County Highways, Sidewalks, Wharves--Repealed
265A County Highways and Sidewalks
266 Harbors
267 Boating Law--Repealed
267A Abandoned Vessels--Repealed
267B Trespass to Vessels--Repealed
267C Vessel Identification Numbers--Repealed
268 Ferries
269 Public Utilities Commission
269E One Call Center; Advance Warning to Excavators
270 Employees of Public Utilities--Repealed
271 Motor Carrier Law
271G Hawaii Water Carrier Act
272 Defrauding Carriers of Passengers--Repealed
273 Railway Law
274 Radio Control--Repealed
275 Liabilities and Offenses Connected with Telephones,
Wire Communications, and Cable Television Systems
277 Energy Corridors
279 Transportation Control--Repealed
279A Statewide Transportation Planning
279E Metropolitan Planning Organization
279G Ridesharing
General Provisions
261-1 Definitions
261-2 Development of aeronautics, general
261-3 Legislation, intervention
261-4 Airports, general
261‑4.5 Biosecurity, inspection, and cargo support facilities
261-5 Disposition of airport revenue fund
261-5.5 Passenger facility charge special fund
261-5.6 Rental motor vehicle customer facility charge
special fund
261-6 Civil air patrol
261-7 Operation and use privileges
261-7.5 Airport facilities; collection of landing fees and
other charges and fees
261-7.6 Use of credit cards to pay for airport charges
261-8 Federal aid
261-9 Contracts, law governing
261-10 Exclusive rights prohibited
261-11 Public purpose of activities
261-12 Rules, standards
261-13 Orders, notice, and opportunity for hearings,
judicial review
261-13.5 Promotion of safety and efficient use of facilities
where congestion occurs
261-13.6 Helicopter master plan; advisory committee
261-14 Federal-state joint hearings, reciprocal services,
accident reporting
261-15 Federal airman and aircraft certificates
261-15.5 Aircraft registration
261-15.6 Annual registration fee
261-15.7 Failure to register
261-16 Licensing of airports
261-17 Enforcement of laws
261-17.5 Arrest or citation
261-17.6 Parking control at airports
261-17.7 Lost and found money or property at airports
261-18 Hazard pay for employees
261-19 Exchange of violations information
261-20 Department proceedings and reports
261-21 Penalties
261-22 Hilo International Airport
261-23 Honolulu International Airport
261-24 John Rodgers Terminal
261-25 Repealed
261-26 Kona International Airport at Keahole
261-27 Kawaihapai Airfield
Airport Relocation
261-31 Definitions
261-32 Assistance for displaced person, families,
businesses and nonprofit organization
261-33 Replacement housing
261-34 Not treated as income
261-35 Decision of director
261-36 Rules and regulations
Special Facility Projects
261-51 Definitions
261-52 Powers
261-53 Findings and determination for special facility
261-54 Special facility lease
261-55 Special facility revenue bonds
Abandoned Aircraft
261-71 Custody and disposal of abandoned aircraft
261-72 Disposition of proceeds of sale
261-73 Custody and disposal of derelict aircraft
261-74 Aircraft or property taken into legal custody;
unauthorized control
261-75 Disposal of aircraft by persons in aircraft repair
Trespass to Aircraft
261-91 Trespass to aircraft; penalty
261-92 Questioning and detaining suspected persons aboard
an aircraft
Airport concessions; revenue enhancing improvements (repealed July 1, 2014). L 2012, c 46.
Extension of zipper lane to Kapolei; feasibility study, report to 2014 legislature. L 2012, c 320.
Relief for airport concessionaires from November 1, 2006 to July 1, 2013. L Sp 2009, c 33; L 2011, c 104.
Cross References
Aircraft service and maintenance facility; general excise tax exemption, see §237-24.9.
Case Notes
Provisions of chapter indicate that for purposes of antitrust actions, department of transportation is, from every aspect, an instrumentality of the State. 553 F. Supp. 976.
Does not represent clearly articulated state policy to displace competition with state regulation in the provision of airport taxi services. 562 F. Supp. 712.