171C-1 Findings and purpose.
171C-2 Definitions
171C-3 Public land development corporation; established
171C-4 Powers; generally
171C-5 Hawaii public land optimization plan
171C-6 Public lands optimization projects; development plans
171C-7 Project facility program
171C-8 Approval of projects, plans, and programs
171C-9 Revenue bonds; issuance
171C-10 Revenue bonds; payment and security
171C-11 Revenue bonds; interest rate, price, and sale
171C-12 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds and redemption
171C-13 Revenue bonds; subaccounts
171C-14 Trustee; designation, duties
171C-15 Trust indenture
171C-16 Transfer of public lands
171C-17 Hawaii public land development revolving fund;
established; use of corporation funds
171C-17.5 Stadium facilities special fund
171C-18 Exemption from taxation
171C-19 Exemption from requirements
171C-20 Annual report
171C-21 School facilities special fund