577-1 Age of majority
577-2 Minority of veteran or of the veteran's spouse,
no bar when
577-3 Natural guardian; liability for torts of child
577-3.5 Property damage, parental responsibility
577-4 Stepparent; when required to support stepchild
577-5 Repealed
577-6 Duty of minor children
577-7 Parents' control and duties
577-7.5 Parental preferences in government contracts,
programs, and services
577-8 Repealed
577-9 Jury trial, when
577-10 Court having jurisdiction
577-11 to 13 Repealed
577-14 Children born to parents not married to each other;
577-15 Children deemed to be orphans
577-16 Curfew; children in public streets, prohibited
when; penalty
577-16.5 Sentencing for the violation of curfew
577-17 Repealed
577-18 Parents allowing children in street, prohibited
when; penalty
577-19 Children prohibited in certain places, when; penalty
577-20 Arrest, when in such places
577-21 Curfew ordinances, effect
577-22 Dancing partners, patrons, age limit
577-23 Parent et al. responsibility, penalty
577-24 Escort's responsibility; penalty
577-25 Emancipation of certain minors
577-26 Alcohol or drug abuse relating to minors; diagnosis,
counseling, and related activities
577-27 Missing children; reporting
577-28 Affidavit of caregiver consent for minor's health
Cross References
Commission on fatherhood, see chapter 577E.
Interstate compact and commission on educational opportunity for military children, see chapter 311D.
Law Journals and Reviews
Consent for Testing and Treatment of Minors in Hawaii. 13 HBJ No. 13, at pg. 165.