Revision Note
Title 30A added by revisor.
560 Uniform Probate Code
Part 1. Short Title, Construction, General
560:1-101 Short title
560:1-102 Purposes; rule of construction
560:1-103 Supplementary general principles of law applicable
560:1-104 Severability
560:1-105 Construction against implied repeal
560:1-106 Effect of fraud and evasion
560:1-107 Evidence of death or status
560:1-108 Acts by holder of general power
Part 2. Definitions
560:1-201 General definitions
Part 3. Scope, Jurisdiction, and Courts
560:1-301 Territorial application
560:1-302 Subject matter jurisdiction
560:1-303 Venue; multiple proceedings; transfer
560:1-304 Practice in court
560:1-305 Records and certified copies
560:1-306 Jury trial
560:1-307 Registrar; powers
560:1-308 Appeals
560:1-309 Reserved
560:1-310 Oath or affirmation on filed documents
560:1-311 Documents sealed upon filing
Part 4. Notice, Parties, and Representation in
Estate Litigation and Other Matters
560:1-401 Notice; method and time of giving
560:1-402 Notice; waiver
560:1-403 Pleadings; when parties bound by others; notice
Part 1. Intestate Succession
560:2-101 Intestate estate
560:2-102 Share of spouse or reciprocal beneficiary
560:2-103 Share of heirs other than surviving spouse or
reciprocal beneficiary
560:2-104 Requirement that heir survive decedent for one
hundred twenty hours
560:2-105 No taker
560:2-105.5 Escheat of kuleana lands
560:2-106 Representation
560:2-107 Kindred of half blood
560:2-108 Afterborn heirs
560:2-109 Advancements
560:2-110 Debts to decedent
560:2-111 Alienage
560:2-112 Dower and curtesy abolished
560:2-113 Individuals related to decedent through two lines
560:2-114 Parent and child relationship
Part 2. Elective Share of Surviving Spouse
560:2-201 Definitions
560:2-202 Elective share
560:2-203 Composition of the augmented estate
560:2-204 Decedent's net probate estate
560:2-205 Decedent's nonprobate transfers to others
560:2-206 Decedent's nonprobate transfers to the surviving
spouse or reciprocal beneficiary
560:2-207 Surviving spouse's or reciprocal beneficiary's
property and nonprobate transfers to others
560:2-208 Exclusions, valuation, and overlapping application
560:2-209 Sources from which elective share payable
560:2-210 Personal liability of recipients
560:2-211 Proceeding for elective share; time limit
560:2-212 Right of election personal to surviving spouse
or reciprocal beneficiary; incapacitated surviving
spouse or reciprocal beneficiary
560:2-213 Waiver of right to elect and of other rights
560:2-214 Protection of payors and other third parties
Part 3. Spouse and Children Unprovided for in Wills
560:2-301 Entitlement of spouse or reciprocal beneficiary;
premarital will
560:2-302 Omitted children
Part 4. Exempt Property and Allowances
560:2-401 Applicable law
560:2-402 Homestead allowance
560:2-403 Exempt property
560:2-404 Family allowance
560:2-405 Source, determination, and documentation
Part 5. Wills, Will Contracts, and Custody and
Deposit of Wills
560:2-501 Who may make will
560:2-502 Execution; witnessed wills; holographic wills
560:2-503 Writings intended as wills, etc.
560:2-504 Self-proved will
560:2-505 Who may witness
560:2-506 Choice of law as to execution
560:2-507 Revocation by writing or by act
560:2-508 Revocation by change of circumstances
560:2-509 Revival of revoked will
560:2-510 Incorporation by reference
560:2-511 Testamentary additions to trusts
560:2-512 Events of independent significance
560:2-513 Separate writing identifying devise of certain
types of tangible personal property
560:2-514 Contracts concerning succession
560:2-515 Reserved
560:2-516 Duty of custodian of will; liability
560:2-517 Penalty clause for contest
Part 6. Rules of Construction Applicable Only to
560:2-601 Scope
560:2-602 Will may pass all property and after-acquired
560:2-603 Antilapse; deceased devisee; class gifts
560:2-604 Failure of testamentary provision
560:2-605 Increase in securities; accessions
560:2-606 Nonademption of specific devises; unpaid proceeds
of sale, condemnation, or insurance; sale by
conservator or agent
560:2-607 Nonexoneration
560:2-608 Exercise of power of appointment
560:2-609 Ademption by satisfaction
Part 7. Rules of Construction Applicable to Wills
and Other Governing Instruments
560:2-701 Scope
560:2-702 Requirement of survival by one hundred twenty
560:2-703 Choice of law as to meaning and effect of
governing instrument
560:2-704 Power of appointment; meaning of specific
reference requirement
560:2-705 Class gifts construed to accord with intestate
560:2-706 Life insurance; retirement plan; transfer-on-death
registration; deceased beneficiary
560:2-707 Survivorship with respect to future interests
under terms of trust; substitute takers
560:2-708 Class gifts to "descendants", "issue", or "heirs
of the body"; form of distribution if none
560:2-709 Representation; per capita at each generation; per
560:2-710 Worthier-title doctrine abolished
560:2-711 Interest in "heirs" and like
Part 8. General Provisions Concerning Probate and
Nonprobate Transfers
560:2-801 Repealed
560:2-802 Effect of divorce, annulment, decree of
separation, and termination of reciprocal
beneficiary relationship
560:2-803 Effect of homicide on intestate succession, wills,
trusts, joint assets, life insurance, and
beneficiary designations
560:2-804 Revocation of probate and nonprobate transfers by
divorce or termination of reciprocal beneficiary
relationship; no revocation by other changes of
Part 9. Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities;
Honorary Trusts
560:2-901 to 907 Reserved
Part 10. Uniform International Wills Act
560:2-1001 to 1010 Reserved
Part 1. General Provisions
560:3-101 Devolution of estate at death; restrictions
560:3-102 Necessity of order of probate for will
560:3-103 Necessity of appointment for administration
560:3-104 Claims against decedent; necessity of
560:3-105 Proceedings affecting devolution and
administration; jurisdiction of subject matter
560:3-106 Proceedings within the exclusive jurisdiction of
court; service; jurisdiction over persons
560:3-107 Scope of proceedings; proceedings independent;
560:3-108 Probate, testacy and appointment proceedings;
ultimate time limit
560:3-109 Statutes of limitation on decedent's cause of
Part 2. Venue for Probate and Administration;
Priority to Administer; Demand for Notice
560:3-201 Venue for first and subsequent estate proceedings;
location of property
560:3-202 Appointment or testacy proceedings; conflicting
claim of domicile in another state
560:3-203 Priority among persons seeking appointment as
personal representative
560:3-204 Demand for notice of order or filing concerning
decedent's estate
Part 3. Informal Probate and Appointment
560:3-301 Informal probate or appointment proceedings;
application; contents
560:3-302 Informal probate; duty of registrar; effect of
informal probate
560:3-303 Informal probate; proof and findings required
560:3-304 Informal probate; unavailable in certain cases
560:3-305 Informal probate; registrar not satisfied
560:3-306 Informal probate; notice requirements
560:3-307 Informal appointment proceedings; delay in order;
duty of registrar; effect of appointment
560:3-308 Informal appointment proceedings; proof and
findings required
560:3-309 Informal appointment proceedings; registrar not
560:3-310 Informal appointment proceedings; notice
560:3-311 Informal appointment unavailable in certain cases
560:3-312 to 322 Reserved
Part 4. Formal Testacy and Appointment Proceedings
560:3-401 Formal testacy proceedings; nature; when commenced
560:3-402 Formal testacy or appointment proceedings;
petition; contents
560:3-403 Formal testacy proceedings; notice of hearing on
560:3-404 Formal testacy proceedings; written objections to
560:3-405 Formal testacy proceedings; uncontested cases;
hearings and proof
560:3-406 Formal testacy proceedings; contested cases;
testimony of attesting witnesses
560:3-407 Formal testacy proceedings; burdens in contested
560:3-408 Formal testacy proceedings; will construction;
effect of final order in another jurisdiction
560:3-409 Formal testacy proceedings; order; foreign will
560:3-410 Formal testacy proceedings; probate of more than
one instrument
560:3-411 Formal testacy proceedings; partial intestacy
560:3-412 Formal testacy proceedings; effect of order;
560:3-413 Formal testacy proceedings; vacation of order for
other cause
560:3-414 Formal proceedings concerning appointment of
personal representative
Part 5. Supervised Administration
560:3-501 Supervised administration; nature of proceeding
560:3-502 Supervised administration; petition; order
560:3-503 Supervised administration; effect on other
560:3-504 Supervised administration; powers of personal
560:3-505 Supervised administration; interim orders;
distribution and closing orders
Part 6. Personal Representative; Appointment,
Control, and Termination of Authority
560:3-601 Qualification
560:3-602 Acceptance of appointment; consent to jurisdiction
560:3-603 Bond not required without court order, exceptions
560:3-604 Bond amount; security; procedure; reduction
560:3-605 Demand for bond by interested person
560:3-606 Terms and conditions of bonds
560:3-607 Order restraining personal representative
560:3-608 Termination of appointment; general
560:3-609 Termination of appointment; death or disability
560:3-610 Termination of appointment; voluntary
560:3-611 Termination of appointment by removal; cause;
560:3-612 Termination of appointment; change of testacy
560:3-613 Successor personal representative
560:3-614 Special administrator; appointment
560:3-615 Special administrator; who may be appointed
560:3-616 Special administrator; appointed informally;
powers and duties
560:3-617 Special administrator; formal proceedings; power
and duties
560:3-618 Termination of appointment; special administrator
Part 7. Duties and Powers of Personal
560:3-701 Time of accrual of duties and powers
560:3-702 Priority among different letters
560:3-703 General duties; relation and liability to persons
interested in estate; standing to sue
560:3-704 Personal representative to proceed without court
order; exception
560:3-705 Duty of personal representative; information to
heirs and devisees
560:3-706 Duty of personal representative; inventory and
560:3-707 Employment of appraisers
560:3-708 Duty of personal representative; supplementary
560:3-709 Duty of personal representative; possession of
560:3-710 Power to avoid transfers
560:3-711 Powers of personal representatives; in general
560:3-712 Improper exercise of power; breach of fiduciary
560:3-713 Sale, encumbrance, or transaction involving
conflict of interest; voidable; exceptions
560:3-714 Persons dealing with personal representative;
560:3-715 Transactions authorized for personal
representatives; exceptions
560:3-716 Powers and duties of successor personal
560:3-717 Co-representatives; when joint action required
560:3-718 Powers of surviving personal representative
560:3-719 Compensation of personal representative
560:3-720 Expenses in estate litigation
560:3-721 Proceedings for review of employment of agents and
compensation of personal representatives and
employees of estate
Part 8. Creditors' Claims
560:3-801 Notice to creditors
560:3-802 Statutes of limitations
560:3-803 Limitations on presentation of claims
560:3-804 Manner of presentation of claims
560:3-805 Classification of claims
560:3-806 Allowance of claims
560:3-807 Payment of claims
560:3-808 Individual liability of personal representative
560:3-809 Secured claims
560:3-810 Claims not due and contingent or unliquidated
560:3-811 Counterclaims
560:3-812 Execution and levies prohibited
560:3-813 Compromise of claims
560:3-814 Encumbered assets
560:3-815 Administration in more than one state; duty of
personal representative
560:3-816 Final distribution to domiciliary representative
Part 9. Special Provisions Relating to Distribution
560:3-901 Successors' rights if no administration
560:3-902 Distribution; order in which assets appropriated;
560:3-903 Right of retainer
560:3-904 Interest on general pecuniary devise
560:3-905 Penalty clause for contest
560:3-906 Distribution in kind; valuation; method
560:3-907 Distribution in kind; evidence
560:3-908 Distribution; right or title of distributee
560:3-909 Improper distribution; liability of distributee
560:3-910 Purchasers from distributees protected
560:3-911 Partition for purpose of distribution
560:3-912 Private agreements among successors to decedent
binding on personal representative
560:3-913 Distributions to trustees
560:3-914 Disposition of unclaimed assets
560:3-915 Distribution to person under disability
560:3-916 Apportionment of estate taxes
Part 10. Closing Estates
560:3-1001 Formal proceedings terminating administration;
testate or intestate; order of general protection
560:3-1002 Formal proceedings terminating testate
administration; order construing will without
adjudicating testacy
560:3-1003 Closing estates; by sworn statement of personal
560:3-1004 Liability of distributees to claimants
560:3-1005 Limitations on proceedings against personal
560:3-1006 Limitations on actions and proceedings against
560:3-1007 Certificate discharging liens securing fiduciary
560:3-1008 Subsequent administration
Part 11. Compromise of Controversies
560:3-1101 Effect of approval of agreements involving trusts,
inalienable interests, or interests of third
560:3-1102 Procedure for securing court approval of
Part 12. Collection of Personal Property by
Affidavit and Summary Administration
Procedure for Small Estates
560:3-1201 Collection of personal property by affidavit
560:3-1202 Effect of affidavit
560:3-1203 Small estates; summary administration procedure
560:3-1204 Small estates; closing by sworn statement of
personal representative
560:3-1205 Estates of $100,000 or less; clerk of court to
560:3-1206 Publication by clerk of appointment as personal
representative; notice to creditors, heirs, etc.
560:3-1207 Presentation of claims of creditors
560:3-1208 Claims barred when
560:3-1209 Duties of clerk and distribution
560:3-1210 Undistributed proceeds or balances, disposition
560:3-1211 Exemption from costs
560:3-1212 Estates of persons leaving no known relatives
560:3-1213 Reserved
560:3-1214 Annual audit of accounts of clerk
560:3-1215 Prohibition on the private practice of law by
attorneys for small estates
Part 1. Definitions
560:4-101 Definitions
Part 2. Powers of Foreign Personal Representatives
560:4-201 Payment of debt and delivery of property to
domiciliary foreign personal representative
without local administration
560:4-202 Payment or delivery discharges
560:4-203 Resident creditor notice
560:4-204 Proof of authority-bond
560:4-205 Powers
560:4-206 Power of representatives in transition
560:4-207 Ancillary and other local administrations;
provisions governing
Part 3. Jurisdiction Over Foreign Representatives
560:4-301 Jurisdiction by act of foreign personal
560:4-302 Jurisdiction by act of decedent
560:4-303 Service on foreign personal representative
Part 4. Judgments and Personal Representative
560:4-401 Effect of adjudication for or against personal
Part 1. General Provisions
560:5-101 Short title
560:5-102 Definitions
560:5-103 Reserved
560:5-104 Facility of transfer
560:5-105 Delegation of power by parent or guardian
560:5-106 Subject matter jurisdiction
560:5-107 Transfer of jurisdiction
560:5-108 Venue
560:5-109 Practice in court
560:5-110 Letters of office
560:5-111 Effect of acceptance of appointment
560:5-112 Termination of or change in guardian's or
conservator's appointment
560:5-113 Notice
560:5-114 Waiver of notice
560:5-115 Guardian ad litem
560:5-116 Request for notice; interested persons
560:5-117 Multiple appointments or nominations
Part 2. Guardianship of Minor
560:5-201 Appointment and status of guardian
560:5-202 Parental appointment of guardian
560:5-203 Objection by minor or others to parental
560:5-204 Judicial appointment of guardian; conditions for
560:5-205 Judicial appointment of guardian; procedure
560:5-206 Judicial appointment of guardian; priority
of minor's nominee; limited guardianship
560:5-207 Duties of guardian
560:5-208 Powers of guardian
560:5-209 Rights and immunities of guardian
560:5-210 Termination of guardianship; other proceedings
after appointment
Part 3. Guardianship of Incapacitated Person
560:5-301 Appointment and status of guardian
560:5-302 Appointment of guardian by will or other writing
560:5-303 Appointment of guardian by will or other writing;
effectiveness; acceptance; confirmation
560:5-304 Judicial appointment of guardian; petition
560:5-305 Judicial appointment of guardian; preliminaries to
560:5-306 Judicial appointment of guardian; professional
560:5-307 Confidentiality of records
560:5-308 Judicial appointment of guardian; presence and
rights at hearing
560:5-309 Notice
560:5-310 Who may be guardian; priorities
560:5-311 Findings; order of appointment
560:5-312 Emergency guardian
560:5-313 Temporary substitute guardian
560:5-314 Duties of guardian
560:5-315 Powers of guardian
560:5-316 Rights and immunities of guardian; limitations
560:5-317 Reports; monitoring of guardianship
560:5-318 Termination or modification of guardianship
Part 4. Protection of Property of Protected Person
560:5-401 Protective proceeding
560:5-402 Jurisdiction over business affairs of protected
560:5-403 Original petition for appointment or protective
560:5-404 Notice
560:5-405 Original petition; minors; preliminaries to
560:5-406 Original petition; preliminaries to hearing
560:5-407 Confidentiality of records
560:5-408 Original petition; procedure at hearing
560:5-409 Original petition; orders
560:5-410 Powers of court
560:5-411 Required court approval
560:5-412 Protective arrangements and single transactions
560:5-413 Who may be conservator; priorities
560:5-414 Petition for order subsequent to appointment
560:5-415 Bond
560:5-416 Terms and requirements of bond
560:5-417 Compensation and expenses
560:5-418 General duties of conservator
560:5-419 Inventory; records
560:5-420 Reports; appointment of kokua kanawai
560:5-421 Title by appointment
560:5-422 Protected person's interest inalienable
560:5-423 Sale, encumbrance, or other transaction involving
conflict of interest
560:5-424 Protection of person dealing with conservator
560:5-425 Powers of conservator in administration
560:5-426 Delegation
560:5-427 Principles of distribution by conservator
560:5-428 Death of protected person
560:5-429 Presentation and allowance of claims
560:5-430 Personal liability of conservator
560:5-431 Termination of proceedings
560:5-432 Payment of debt and delivery of property to
foreign conservator without local proceeding
560:5-433 Foreign conservator; proof of authority;
bond; powers
Part 5. Powers of Attorney
560:5-501, 502 Repealed
Part 6. Incapacitated Persons Sterilization Rights
560:5-601 Definitions
560:5-602 Sterilization of wards
560:5-603 Initiation of proceeding
560:5-604 Appointment of guardian ad litem
560:5-605 Notice
560:5-606 Repealed
560:5-606.5 Reproductive rights advisory list
560:5-607 Hearing
560:5-608 Criteria
560:5-609 Appeals
560:5-610 Repealed
560:5-611 Confidentiality of and access to records
560:5-612 No liability arising from sterilization; exception
Part 1. Multiple-Party Accounts
560:6-101 Definitions
560:6-102 Ownership as between parties, and others;
protection of financial institutions
560:6-103 Ownership during lifetime
560:6-104 Right of survivorship
560:6-105 Effect of written notice to financial institution
560:6-106 Accounts and transfers nontestamentary
560:6-107 Rights against multiple-party accounts
560:6-108 Financial institution protection; payment on
signature of one party
560:6-109 Financial institution protection; payment after
death or disability; joint account
560:6-110 Financial institution protection; payment of
payable-on-death account
560:6-111 Financial institution protection; payment of trust
560:6-112 Financial institution protection; discharge
560:6-113 Financial institution protection; set-off
Part 2. Reserved
560:6-201 Reserved
Part 1. Trust Registration
560:7-101 Duty to register trusts
560:7-102 Registration procedures
560:7-103 Effect of registration
560:7-104 Effect of failure to register
560:7-105 Reserved
560:7-106 Release of registration
Part 2. Jurisdiction of Court Concerning Trusts
560:7-201 Court; jurisdiction of trusts
560:7-202 Trust proceedings; venue
560:7-203 Trust proceedings; dismissal of matters relating
to foreign trusts
560:7-204 Court; concurrent jurisdiction of litigation
involving trusts and third parties
560:7-205 Proceedings for review of employment of agents and
review of compensation of trustee and employees of
560:7-206 Trust proceedings; initiation by notice; necessary
Part 3. Duties and Liabilities of Trustees
560:7-301 General duties not limited
560:7-302 Trustee's standard of care and performance
560:7-303 Duty to inform and account to beneficiaries
560:7-304 Duty to provide bond
560:7-305 Trustee's duties; appropriate place of
administration; deviation
560:7-306 Personal liability of trustee to third parties
560:7-307 Limitations on proceedings against trustees after
final account
Part 4. Powers of Trustees
560:7-401 Powers of trustees
Part 5. Trusts for Animals
560:7-501 Trusts for domestic or pet animals
Part 1. Effect of Act 200, Session Laws of
Hawaii 1976
560:8-101 Time of taking effect; provisions for transition
560:8-102 Specific repealer and amendments
Part 2. Effect of Act 288, Session Laws of
Hawaii 1996
560:8-201 Effect and transition
Part 3. Effect of Act 161, Session Laws of
Hawaii 2004
560:8-301 Effect
Cross References
Effect and transition of L 1996, c 288 amendments, see ยง560:8-201.
Uniform transfer-on-death (TOD) security registration act, see chapter 539.
Rules of Court
See Hawaii Probate Rules.
Applicability of Hawaii Rules of Civil Procedure, see HRCP rule 81(a)(1), (c), (f), (g), (h).
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