440E-1 Definitions
440E-1.5 Amateur mixed martial arts
440E-2 Assistants
440E-3 Authority to subpoena witnesses and administer
oaths and penalties
440E-4 Powers and duties of the director
440E-5 Jurisdiction of director
440E-5.5 Control and supervision of amateur mixed martial
arts contests
440E-6 Licenses; promoters
440E-7 Permit required to hold each mixed martial arts
440E-8 Licenses, participants
440E-9 License fees
440E-10 Licenses, limitations, renewals
440E-11 Receipts and reports from promoters
440E-12 Failure to report receipts
440E-13 Admission tickets
440E-14 Inspectors; duties
440E-15 Judges; duties
440E-16 Physician or osteopathic physician; duties
440E-17 Referees; duties
440E-18 Drug test; withholding of wages; penalty
440E-19 Sham mixed martial arts contest; forfeiture of
440E-20 Sham mixed martial arts contest; penalty against
440E-21 Financial interest in mixed martial arts
contestant prohibited
440E-22 Wages of contestant; prepayment prohibited
440E-23 No rules combat, extreme fighting, or similar
contest; prohibited
440E-24 Disposition of receipts
440E-25 Summary disciplinary action
440E-26 Chapter does not apply to active duty armed
forces, national guard, armed forces reserve,
or Police Activities League
440E-27 Revocation; suspension
440E-28 Penalties
440E-29 Cumulative penalties
440E-30 Injunctive relief