Part I. General Provisions
195D-1 Findings and declaration of necessity
195D-2 Definitions
195D-3 Determination by the department relating to
conservation of particular species
195D-4 Endangered species and threatened species
195D-4.5 Taking a monk seal prohibited
195D-5 Conservation programs
195D-5.1 Protection of Hawaii's unique flora and fauna
195D-5.5 Products to support the environment
195D-6 Rules
195D-6.5 Interim rulemaking
195D-7 Enforcement
195D-8 Search and seizure
195D-9 Penalty
195D-10 Severability
Part II. Recovery
195D-21 Habitat conservation plans
195D-22 Safe harbor agreements
195D-23 Incentives
195D-24 Confidentiality
195D-25 Endangered species recovery committee
195D-26 Annual report; endangered species
195D-27 Administrative enforcement of rules, plans,
agreements, or licenses
195D-28 Relation of chapter to other laws
195D-29 Release or establishment of endangered or
threatened species outside its current range
195D-30 Net gain in recovery of species
195D-31 Trust fund
195D-32 Citizen suits
Chapter heading amended by L 1983, c 111, §1.
Attorney General Opinions
Threatened and endangered plants are protected on Hawaiian home lands under the provisions of this chapter, as well as under the provisions of the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, to the same extent that the plants are protected elsewhere in Hawaii. Anyone who "takes" threatened or endangered plants on Hawaiian home lands is subject to state and federal civil and criminal penalties. Att. Gen. Op. 95-5.
Case Notes
Chapter does not provide basis for private right of action to stop building of highway. 538 F. Supp. 149.