Part I. Meetings
92-1 Declaration of policy and intent
92-1.5 Administration of this part
92-2 Definitions
92-2.5 Permitted interactions of members
92-3 Open meetings
92-3.1 Limited meetings
92-3.5 Meeting by videoconference; notice; quorum
92-4 Executive meetings
92-5 Exceptions
92-6 Judicial branch, quasi-judicial boards and
investigatory functions; applicability
92-7 Notice
92-8 Emergency meetings
92-9 Minutes
92-10 Legislative branch; applicability
92-11 Voidability
92-12 Enforcement
92-13 Penalties
Part II. Boards: Quorum; General Powers
92-15 Boards and commissions; quorum; number of votes
necessary to validate acts
92-15.5 Nonattendance of board member; expiration of term
92-16 Power of boards to issue subpoenas, administer oaths,
appoint masters, etc.
92-17 Consumer complaints; procedures and remedies
Part III. Copies of Records; Costs and Fees
92-21 Copies of records; other costs and fees
92-22, 23 Repealed
92-24 Directors of finance and commerce and consumer
affairs; fees
92-25 Fees for copies of pleadings, etc.
92-26 Fees; exemption
92-27 Fees to be accounted for
92-28 State service fees; increase or decrease of
92-29 Reproduction of government records
92-30 Copy deemed original record
92-31 Disposition of original record
Part IV. Notice of Public Hearings
92-41 Giving public notices
Part V. Public Records
92-50 to 52 Repealed
Part VI. General Provisions
92-71 Political subdivision of the State; applicability
Part VII. Neighborhood Board
92-81 Neighborhood board; notice and agenda; public input;
92-82 Permitted interactions of neighborhood board members
92-83 Neighborhood board meeting; unanticipated events;
public interest
Law Journals and Reviews
The Lum Court, Land Use, and the Environment: A Survey of Hawai`i Case Law 1983 to 1991. 14 UH L. Rev. 119.
Case Notes
Rule regarding confidentiality of development proposals neither conflicted with nor contradicted "mandate" of either §92-3 or the Sunshine Law (this chapter) as a whole; plaintiff not entitled to disclosure of development proposals under those statutory provisions. 74 H. 365, 846 P.2d 882.
As this chapter governs board meetings and board meeting minutes, including those of executive sessions, and this section, by its plain language, permits "any person," including the county, to bring suit in circuit court "to determine the applicability of part I of this chapter to the discussions or decisions" of the council, the circuit court did not err in determining it had jurisdiction pursuant to this chapter to determine whether county council's executive session minutes had to be disclosed. 120 H. 34 (App.), 200 P.3d 403.
In a suit deciding whether disclosure of county council executive session minutes was required, circuit court properly found that both chapter 92F and this chapter applied; if the meeting met an exception to the open meeting requirements put forth in this chapter, such as an exception enumerated in §92-5, the council was not required to disclose the minutes of that meeting to the public; if the meeting did not fall under such an exception, the council was required to disclose the minutes pursuant to §92-9 and §92F-12. 120 H. 34 (App.), 200 P.3d 403.