Codification. Act 9, Session Laws 1972, repealed or recodified this title in its entirety, substituting the present Title 38, entitled (by the revisor of statutes) "Procedural and Supplementary Provisions", for former Title 38, entitled "Crimes". For the disposition of former Title 38, see disposition table in Appendix, this title.
Renumbering. This title as presently constituted consists in the main of provisions transferred from former Title 37, "Criminal Law". Upon initial transfer in 1973, the provisions were assigned new numbers under this title. The provisions were again renumbered and assigned the present numbers in the 1975 Supplement. See tracing table in Appendix, this title.
As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of court, see note preceding Title 32.
801 Rights of Accused
801D Rights of Victims and Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings
802 Counsel and Other Services for Indigent Criminal
802E Court Advisement of Aliens Entering Guilty Plea
803 Arrests, Search Warrants
804 Bail; Bond to Keep the Peace
805 Criminal Procedure: District Courts
806 Criminal Procedure: Circuit Courts
831 Uniform Act on Status of Convicted Persons
832 Uniform Criminal Extradition Act
833 Uniform Rendition of Accused Persons Act
834 Agreement on Detainers
835 Securing Attendance of Witness by Material Witness Order
836 Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses from
without a State in Criminal Proceedings
841 Inquests, Coroners
842 Organized Crime
843 Hawaii Criminal Justice Commission--Repealed
844 State Law Enforcement Planning Agency--Repealed
844D Forensic Identification
845 Career Criminals
846 Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center; Civil Identification
846C National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact
846D Juvenile Justice Information System
846E Registration of Sex Offenders and Other Covered Offenders
and Public Access to Registration Information
851 Credit Card Offenses--Repealed
852 Obstruction of Ingress or Egress
853 Criminal Procedure: Deferred Acceptance of Guilty Plea,
Nolo Contendere Plea
1. Table of Disposition--Title 38. Crimes
2. Tracing Table--Title 38 (New)
801-1 Indictment or information
801-2 Witnesses; defense
801-3 Jury list, witnesses
801-4 Fees not payable by defendant
801-5 Repealed
As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of court, see note preceding Title 32.