396-1 Short title
396-2 Findings and purpose
396-3 Definitions
396-4 Powers and duties of department
396-4.5 Certification of safety and health professionals
396-5 Repealed
396-5.1 Fees
396-5.5 Repealed
396-6 Employer responsibility: safe place of employment;
safety devices and safeguards
396-7 Toxic materials
396-8 Employee responsibility and rights
396-9 Explosives
396-10 Violations and penalties
396-11 Review
396-12 Judicial review
396-13 Trade secrets
396-14 Evidence
396-15 Exception to liability
396-16 Exception for federal jurisdiction
396-17 Repealed
396-18 Safety and health programs for contractors bidding
on state construction jobs
396-19 Hoisting machine operators advisory board
396-20 Hoisting machine operators' certification revolving
Cross References
Fireworks control law, see chapter 132D.
Case Notes
Company was properly served with, and received, safety violation citation, and mailing the citation to local company representative's residence did not violate company's due process rights where representative was served with the citation by certified mail delivered with return receipt in compliance with Hawaii administrative rule §12-51-15(a), and the mailing was to the "employer" who, under rule §12-50-2, included the representative, who had control over company's employees and was in charge of company's business within the State. 120 H. 135 (App.), 202 P.3d 596.
Discussed: 87 H. 71, 951 P.2d 934.