[§302L-3.5]  Council meetings by teleconference.  (a) Notwithstanding any law to contrary, the council may meet by teleconference.

     (b)  Each member of the council participating in a meeting by teleconference shall be considered present at the meeting for purposes of determining quorum and participating in all proceedings.

     (c)  A meeting by teleconference:

     (1)  Need not have a quorum present at any one location; and

     (2)  Is subject to the notice requirements applicable to other council meetings.

     (d)  The notice of each teleconference meeting shall specify all physical locations from which members of the council will participate.  The notice shall also specify the physical location from which the presiding officer of the council will preside.  All physical teleconference locations shall be open to the public during the open portion of the meeting.

     (e)  Council materials that are to be considered at the meeting shall be made available at all physical teleconference locations.

     (f)  Each part of the teleconference meeting that is required to be open to the public shall be audible to the public at each physical location specified in the notice of the meeting.

     (g)  Except when voice votes are authorized, the vote shall be conducted in such a manner that the public may know the vote of each person entitled to vote.  The vote at a meeting held by teleconference shall be taken by roll call.

     (h)  The public shall be allowed to participate and speak at a meeting conducted by teleconference in the same manner and to the same extent that the public is allowed to participate and speak at each physical site of the meeting. [L 2010, c 63, §1]



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