[§708-835.8]  Theft of beer keg.  [Section repealed on July 1, 2009.  L 2008, c 53, §6.]  (1)  A person commits the offense of theft of beer keg if the person commits theft of a beer keg.

     (2)  For the purposes of this section, "beer keg" means a metal container used to hold five gallons or more of liquid that is stamped, engraved, stenciled, or otherwise marked with the name of a brewery manufacturer; provided that a deposit beverage container, as defined under section 342G-101, shall not be considered a beer keg.

     (3)  Theft of beer keg is a misdemeanor. [L 2008, c 53, §1]


Cross References


  Scrap dealer requirements, see §§445-231 to 235.


COMMENTARY ON §708-835.8


  Act 53, Session Laws 2008, added this section, establishing the misdemeanor offense of theft of a beer keg.  Metal beer kegs were being stolen at escalating rates, largely because they can be redeemed for fast cash at scrap dealerships.  House Standing Committee Report Nos. 1113-08 and 1671-08.



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