Part I.  General Provisions


     671-1 Definitions

     671-2 Repealed

     671-3 Informed consent

     671-4 Notice of damages

     671-5 Reporting and reviewing medical tort claims

     671-6 Administration of chapter


         Part II.  Medical Claim Conciliation

    671-11 Medical claim conciliation panels; composition,

           selection, compensation

  671-11.5 Waiver of filing fee

    671-12 Review by panel required; notice; presentation of

           claims; request for a more definite statement of the


  671-12.5 Certificate of consultation

    671-13 Medical claim conciliation panel hearing;

           fact-finding; evidence; voluntary settlement

    671-14 Same; persons attending hearings of panel

    671-15 Same, decisions

  671-15.5 Expungement of records; malpractice insurance rates

    671-16 Subsequent litigation; excluded evidence

  671-16.5 Arbitration; subsequent litigation

  671-16.6 Submission of claim to an alternative dispute

           resolution provider

    671-17 Immunity of panel members from liability

    671-18 Statute of limitations tolled

    671-19 Duty to cooperate; assessment of costs and fees

    671-20 Annual report


         Part III.  Patients' Compensation Fund

    671-31 to 37 Repealed


Case Notes


  As chapter rationally furthers legitimate state interest of assuring the provision of affordable health care to Hawaii's citizens by requiring participation in medical malpractice dispute resolution such that the high cost of litigation may be avoided, plaintiff not denied equal protection of the laws.  89 H. 188, 970 P.2d 496.

  Section 671-12(a) requires only that a claimant set forth facts upon which the claim is based and include the names of all parties against whom the claim is or may be made who are then known to the claimant; nowhere in §671-12 does it require plaintiffs to name all known negligent health care providers; having filed the requisite medical claim conciliation panel claim, participated in the required hearing, and rejected the panel's finding of no actionable negligence, plaintiffs satisfied this chapter's statutory prerequisites for filing suit in circuit court.  111 H. 74, 137 P.3d 980.


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