REPEALED. L 1980, c 303, §8(1).
352-1 Definitions
352-2 Repealed
352-2.1 Purpose
352-3 Contracting with private agencies for residential
youth facilities
352-4 Rules and regulations
352-5 Staff standards and training
352-5.5 Criminal history record checks
352-6 Appropriation made out of general revenues
352-7 Records
352-8 Guardianship and custody of the person committed
352-9 Period committed
352-10 Circuit court disposition of offenders under
eighteen years
352-11 Commitments directed, how
352-12 Segregation of committed persons
352-13 Evaluation, counseling, training
352-14 Educational programs provided by the department
of education
352-15 Recreational and program activities
352-16 Establishment of work release
352-17 Compensation in facilities
352-18 Establishment of trust accounts
352-19 Withdrawals from accounts
352-20 Disposition of inactive accounts
352-21 Youth correctional facilities' benefit fund;
disposition of income
352-22 Periodic re-examination of status of persons
committed to the department
352-23 Community services program
352-23.5 Gender-responsive, community-based programs for
female adjudicated youth
352-24 Juvenile parole program
352-25 Furlough, parole, discharge
352-26 Taking into custody and detaining persons for
violations of terms and conditions of parole
and furlough and attempted escape
352-26.1 Public disclosure of information upon escape
352-27 Harboring or concealing a person away from custody
assigned by competent authority
352-28 Transfer to correctional facility
352-29 Termination of director's right to supervise person
352-30 Delegation of responsibilities
352-31 Costs
Cross References
Intermediate sanctions for selected offenders and defendants, see §§353-10.5, 353-63.5, and 706-605.1.
Transfer of functions, see §352D-4.
Case Notes
As this chapter clearly mandates that youth correctional facilities be placed under the supervision of the department of human services, the Hawaii youth correctional facility is a state correctional facility. 113 H. 60, 148 P.3d 493.
Community correctional center holding unit was not a "facility". 7 H. App. 502, 753 P.2d 816.