REPEALED. L 1992, c 240, §2.
Part I. Definitions and General Provisions
342B-1 Definitions
342B-2 Administration
342B-3 General functions, duties, and powers of the director
342B-4 Other powers of department and director not affected
342B-5 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules
342B-5.5 Exemptions
342B-6 Short title
342B-7 Annual reports
Part II. Air Pollution
342B-11 Prohibition
342B-12 Specific powers of the director
342B-13 Public participation
342B-14 Variances
342B-15 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters
342B-16 Research, educational, and training programs
342B-17 Air quality modelers
342B-18 Annual reports to neighboring communities
342B-19 Unpermitted releases; timely notice
Part III. Permit Program
342B-21 Specific functions, duties, and powers of the director
342B-22 Permit and permit renewal; requirements
342B-23 Application for permit
342B-24 Action on a permit application
342B-25 Approval of permit
342B-26 General and temporary permits; single permit
342B-27 Other permit action
342B-28 Recordkeeping and monitoring requirements
342B-29 Fees
342B-30 Judicial review
342B-31 Government records; confidential information
342B-32 Clean air special fund
342B-33 Minimum permit conditions
342B-34 Exceptions
Part IV. Enforcement and Penalties
342B-41 Inspection of premises
342B-42 Enforcement
342B-43 Emergency powers; procedures
342B-44 Injunctive and other relief
342B-45 Citation
342B-46 Appeal
342B-47 Civil penalties
342B-48 Administrative penalties
342B-49 Criminal penalties
342B-50 Disposition of collected fines and penalties
342B-51 Enforcement by state and county authorities
342B-52 Nonliability of department personnel
342B-53 Other action not barred
342B-54 Priority in courts
342B-55 Consent orders; settlement agreements
342B-56 Citizen suits
Part V. Small Business Assistance Program
342B-61 Small business assistance program
342B-62 Compliance advisory council; establishment;
appointment, number, and term of members; duties
342B-63 Small business ombudsman for air pollution control;
qualifications; duties
Part VI. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
342B-71 Statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit, adoption
342B-72 Greenhouse gas emissions limits; rules
342B-73 Schedule of fees; establishment
Cross References
Asbestos pollution control, see chapter 342P.
Indoor air quality program, see §§321-411 to 413.
Law Journals and Reviews
Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Hawai‘i. 16 UH L. Rev. 85.
From prior law:
Liability Insurance Coverage for Pollution Claims. 12 UH L. Rev. 83.
Municipal Waste Combustion: A Wasted Investment? 12 UH L. Rev. 215.