327E-1 Short title
327E-2 Definitions
327E-3 Advance health-care directives
327E-4 Revocation of advance health-care directive
327E-5 Health-care decisions; surrogates
327E-6 Decisions by guardian
327E-7 Obligations of health-care provider
327E-8 Health-care information
327E-9 Immunities
327E-10 Statutory damages
327E-11 Capacity
327E-12 Effect of copy
327E-13 Effect of this chapter
327E-14 Judicial relief
327E-15 Uniformity of application and construction
327E-16 Optional form
Developing an organ donor registry. L 2008, c 165.
Law Journals and Reviews
The Death Of The Living Will And The Making Of Health Care Decisions Under Hawaii's New But Not Quite Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act. III HBJ No. 13, at pg. 29.
Your Body, Your Choice: How Mandatory Advance Health-Care Directives Are Necessary to Protect Your Fundamental Right to Accept or Refuse Medical Treatment. 27 UH L. Rev. 201.
Holding Hawai‘i Nursing Facilities Accountable for the Inadequate Pain Management of Elderly Residents. 27 UH L. Rev. 233.