578-1 Who may adopt; jurisdiction; venue
578-1.5 Adoption
578-2 Consent to adoption
578-3 Custody of child pendente lite
578-4 Notice to resident nonconsenting legal parent whose
rights have not been terminated
578-5 Same; proof of
578-6 Notice to nonresident or unlocated nonconsenting legal
parent whose rights have not been terminated
578-7 Substituted or constructive service
578-8 Hearing; investigation; decree
578-9 Custody of minor child after decree and before
578-10 Disposition of minor child on discontinuance,
withdrawal or denial of petition
578-11 Disposition in case of death of petitioners
578-12 Setting aside or modifying decree
578-13 Change of name
578-14 Record of adoption
578-14.5 Medical information on the natural parents of the
adopted minor child
578-15 Secrecy of proceedings and records
578-16 Effect of adoption
578-17 Guardian ad litem
Cross References
Adoption assistance compact, see chapter 350C.
Adoption assistance program, see §§346-301 to 305.
Interstate compact on placement of children, see chapter 350E.
Medicaid-related mandates, see chapter 431L.
Attorney General Opinions
Rights attendant to status of adoption require compliance with statutory procedures; rights of hanai children discussed. Att. Gen. Op. 93-1.
Law Journals and Reviews
Privacy v. Secrecy: The Open Adoption Records Movement and Its Impact on Hawai‘i. 15 UH L. Rev. 483.