481A-1 Title
481A-2 Definitions
481A-3 Deceptive trade practices
481A-4 Remedies
481A-5 Application
Law Journals and Reviews
On relationship of this chapter to section 480-2, see Misrepresentation and Deception Under Section 480-2 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. 10 HBJ 69.
Case Notes
Under the filed-rate doctrine, telephone customers' claims failed as a matter of law where customers could not demonstrate that telephone company's allegedly inadequate disclosures constituted an unfair or deceptive trade practice because (1) company's tariffs on file with the public utilities commission disclosed that fees should be assessed against customers receiving touch calling services; (2) knowledge of these disclosures contained in the tariff was imputed to the customers, and, thus, (3) customers could prove neither the injury nor the likelihood of damage that is required under §480-2 or this chapter. 109 H. 69, 123 P.3d 194.