Section 7. The supreme court shall have power to promulgate rules and regulations in all civil and criminal cases for all courts relating to process, practice, procedure and appeals, which shall have the force and effect of law. [Ren Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978]
Rules of Court
See Rules of the Supreme Court; Code of Professional Responsibility; Code of Judicial Conduct; Hawaii Rules of Appellate Procedure; Rules of the Intermediate Court of Appeals; Hawaii Rules of Civil Procedure; Hawaii Rules of Penal Procedure; Rules of the Circuit Courts; Hawaii Arbitration Rules; Rules of the District Courts; District Court Rules of Civil Procedure; Rules of the Small Claims Division; Rules of the Family Court; Rules of the Tax Appeal Court; Rules of the Land Court.
Attorney General Opinions
This section does not vest exclusive rule making power in the supreme court so as to preclude legislative action on procedural matters. Att. Gen. Op. 67-9.
Case Notes
Procedural statutes in conflict with rules are ineffective. 48 H. 152, 159, 397 P.2d 593; 48 H. 290, 300, 401 P.2d 449.