Part I. General Provisions Relating to Offenses

Against the Person


707-700 Definitions of terms in this chapter

Part II. Criminal Homicide

707-701 Murder in the first degree

707-701.5 Murder in the second degree

707-702 Manslaughter

707-702.5 Negligent homicide in the first degree

707-703 Negligent homicide in the second degree

707-704 Negligent homicide in the third degree

707-705 Negligent injury in the first degree

707-706 Negligent injury in the second degree

Part III. Criminal Assaults and Related Offenses

707-710 Assault in the first degree

707-711 Assault in the second degree

707-712 Assault in the third degree

707-712.5 Assault against a law enforcement officer in the

first degree

707-712.6 Assault against a law enforcement officer in the

second degree

707-713 Reckless endangering in the first degree

707-714 Reckless endangering in the second degree

707-714.5 Criminally negligent storage of a firearm

707-715 Terroristic threatening, defined

707-716 Terroristic threatening in the first degree

707-717 Terroristic threatening in the second degree

Part IV. Kidnapping and Related Offenses; Criminal


707-720 Kidnapping

707-721 Unlawful imprisonment in the first degree

707-722 Unlawful imprisonment in the second degree

707-723 to 725 Repealed

707-726 Custodial interference in the first degree

707-727 Custodial interference in the second degree

Part V. Sexual Offenses

707-730 Sexual assault in the first degree

707-731 Sexual assault in the second degree

707-732 Sexual assault in the third degree

707-733 Sexual assault in the fourth degree

707-733.5 Continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age

of fourteen years

707-734 Indecent exposure

707-739, 740 Repealed

707-741 Incest

707-742, 743 Repealed

Part VI. Child Abuse

707-750 Promoting child abuse in the first degree

707-751 Promoting child abuse in the second degree

707-752 Promoting child abuse in the third degree

707-753 Affirmative defense to promoting child abuse

707-756 Electronic enticement of a child in the first degree

707-757 Electronic enticement of a child in the second


707-758 Repealed

Part VII. Extortion

707-760 Definitions

707-761 Extortionate extension of credit; prima facie


707-762 Financing extortionate extensions of credit

707-763 Collection of extensions of credit by extortionate


707-764 Extortion

707-765 Extortion in the first degree

707-766 Extortion in the second degree

707-767 Extortion in the third degree

707-768 Firearms, explosives, and dangerous weapons

707-769 Defenses to extortion


For new section on continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of fourteen years subject to take effect only on ratification of amendment to Article I of the State Constitution, see L 2004, c 60.

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