652-1 Garnishee process; "garnishee fund"
652-1.5 Prejudgment garnishment; procedures
652-2 Garnishee, rights, duties; collection by levying
652-2.5 Service on garnishee
652-2.6 Effect of service
652-3 Amount withheld
652-4 Satisfying judgment
652-5 Successive sequestration of wages, upon change of
652-6 Same
652-7 Successive actions; procedure
652-8 Execution, when
652-9 Garnishee may be heard on notice to plaintiff
652-10 Debts payable in future
652-11 Section 652-9 to appear on summons
652-12 Payment by garnishee, effect
652-13 Repealed
652-14 Receipts to be given by creditor on penalty of
652-15 Law applicable to all courts
As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of court, see note preceding Title 32.
Rules of Court
See HRCP rules 64, 69; DCRCP rules 64, 69. Service, see HRCP rule 4; DCRCP rule 4.
Case Notes
Validity of prejudgment replevin provisions authorizing taking of property without affording prior opportunity to be heard. 407 U.S. 67.
Pledgor's interest in pledged stock, though subject to bank's security interest, was garnishable under this chapter. 92 H. 347, 992 P.2d 42.