§651-44 Sale; proceeds; return. The officer shall, on the day and at the place set for the public sale, unless paid the amount of the judgment, interest, and costs, and the officer's fees and disbursements accrued upon the writ, sell the property advertised to the highest bidder. The officer shall deduct from the proceeds of the sale sufficient for the full satisfaction, if possible, of the execution and the officer's costs, expenses, and commissions, and return the writ, satisfied wholly or in part, paying the amount collected thereon to the plaintiff in execution or the plaintiff's attorney. [CC 1859, §1024; RL 1925, §2448; RL 1935, §4147; RL 1945, §10174; RL 1955, §233-43; HRS §651-44; gen ch 1985]

Case Notes

Junior encumbrancer may question adequacy of price bid only if adequate bid would have left surplus after satisfying senior encumbrances. 51 H. 164, 454 P.2d 116.

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