Part I. Requisites, Procedures


572-1 Requisites of valid marriage contract

572-1.5 Definition of marriage

572-1.6 Private solemnization not unlawful

572-2 Consent of parent or guardian

572-3 Contracted without the State

572-4 Right of domicile, sex or marital status

572-5 Marriage license; agent to grant; fee

572-6 Application; license; limitations

572-7 Repealed

572-8 Repealed

572-9 Persons under age

572-10 Applicant apparently under age

572-11 Marriage ceremony; license to solemnize

572-12 By whom solemnized

572-13 Record of solemnization; marriages, reported

by whom; certified copies

572-13.5 Revocation or suspension of licenses to solemnize

572-14 Repealed

572-15 Delivery of records to department of health; penalty

572-16 Rules and regulations

Part II. Property Contracts, Debts, and Liabilities

572-21 Presumption of separate property

572-22 Contracts

572-23 Not liable for spousal debts

572-24 Spousal liabilities

572-25 Separate property

572-26 May be personal representative, guardian,

trustee, or other fiduciary

572-27 Persons as sureties

572-28 Suits by and against

572-29 Marriage settlement not invalidated

Cross References

International matchmaking organizations, see chapter 489N.

Law Journals and Reviews

For Better or for Worse, in Sickness and in Health, Until Death Do Us Part: A Look at Same Sex Marriage in Hawaii. 16 UH L. Rev. 447.

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