§501-22 Filing; memorandum to be recorded. The application shall be filed with the registrar.

Upon filing the application the applicant shall forthwith cause to be filed in the bureau of conveyances a memorandum stating that application for registration has been filed, and the date and place of filing, and a copy of the description of the land contained in the application. This memorandum shall be filed and indexed by the assistant registrar with the records of deeds. The fee to be charged the applicant by the assistant registrar for the filing and indexing of this memorandum is $1. [L 1903, c 56, §20; RL 1925, §3209; am L 1931, c 217, §1; RL 1935, §5013; RL 1945, §12613; RL 1955, §342-14; HRS §501-22; gen ch 1993]

Cross References

Modification of fees, see §92-28.

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