485-1 Definitions
485-2 Commissioner of securities
485-3 Assistants; compensation; quarters; reports
485-4 Exempt securities
485-4.5 Federal covered securities
485-5 Exempted securities; local development company
485-6 Exempt transactions
485-7 Securities issued by residential cooperative
485-8 Registration of securities
485-9 Registration by notification
485-10 Registration by qualification; application to
commissioner, etc.
485-11 Repealed
485-11.5 Request for private consultant
485-12 Commissioner as agent to accept service; actions in
what circuit; notice to issuer
485-13 Revocation of registration of securities; suspension
during investigation; hearing
485-14 Registration of dealers, investment advisers,
salespersons, and investment adviser representatives
485-14.2 Withdrawal
485-14.3 Notice filing requirements for federal covered
485-14.5 Variable annuities; exemption
485-15 Denial, revocation, or suspension of dealers',
investment advisers', salespersons', and investment
adviser representatives' registration; suspension
during investigation, etc.
485-15.5 Suspension or denial of license for noncompliance with
child support order
485-16 Dealers' and investment advisers' records and reports;
commissioner's powers
485-17 Pleading, burden of proof, of exemption
485-18 Escrow of certain securities
485-18.7 Violation of chapter; cease and desist order
485-19 Injunctions
485-20 Remedies
485-20.5 Civil penalty
485-21 Criminal penalties
485-22 Statutory or common-law remedies
485-23 Appeals to circuit court, first circuit; time; bonds;
costs; decree; further appeal
485-24 Delivery of prospectus to purchaser
485-24.5 Prospectus; small corporate offerings registration form
485-24.6 General announcements of proposed offerings to
accredited investors
485-25 Fraudulent and other prohibited practices
Cross References
Uniform transfer-on-death security registration act, see chapter 539.
Attorney General Opinions
This chapter, as it relates to commodity futures contracts, is preempted by the Federal Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act (7 U.S.C. §§1-24). Att. Gen. Op. 79-7.
Law Journals and Reviews
Hawaii's Response to Regulation D. 23 HBJ 1.
Case Notes
When a defendant is charged with a criminal violation of Uniform Securities Act, §485-21 provides an essential element of the offense charged. 78 H. 373, 894 P.2d 70.