Part I. Preamble


342J-1 Legislative policy; program priorities

Part II. Definitions and General Provisions

342J-2 Definitions

342J-3 Administration

342J-4 Powers; rulemaking; appointment of hearings officers

342J-5 Permits; procedures for

342J-6 Furnishing of information and entry and inspection of


342J-6.5 Notification

342J-7 Enforcement

342J-8 Emergency powers; procedures

342J-9 Penalties

342J-10 Administrative penalties

342J-10.5 Disposition of collected fines and penalties

342J-10.6 Guarantors

342J-10.7 Repealed

342J-11 Injunctive and other relief

342J-12 Appeal

342J-13 Fees

342J-14 Public records; confidential information; penalties

342J-14.5 Copy fee waiver

342J-15 Nonliability of department personnel

342J-16 Intervention

342J-17 Other action not barred

342J-18 Enforcement by state and county authorities

342J-19 Other powers of department not affected

342J-20 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules

342J-21 Priority in courts

Part III. Hazardous Waste Control

342J-30 Prohibition

342J-31 Duties; rules

342J-32 Standards for generators

342J-33 Standards for transporters

342J-34 Standards for treatment, storage, or disposal


342J-34.5 Standards for persons who deal with fuel

342J-34.6 Brokers; notification; and identification numbers

342J-35 Other rules

342J-36 Hazardous waste releases

342J-37 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters

342J-38 Public participation activities; appointment of

hearings officers

342J-39 Research programs

342J-40 Receipt of funds for study and control of

hazardous waste

342J-41 Technical assistance to generators

342J-42 Public education program

Part IV. Used Oil and Used Oil Fuel

342J-51 Definitions

342J-52 Standards for persons who deal with used oil or used

oil fuel

342J-53 Permit required

342J-54 Permits; procedures for

342J-55 Furnishing of information and entry and inspection of


342J-56 Emergency powers; procedures

Cross References

Hawaii emergency planning and community right-to-know act, see chapter 128E.

Environmental response law, see chapter 128D.

Transportation of hazardous materials, hazardous waste, and etiologic agents, see §§286-221 to 227.

Law Journals and Reviews

Liability Insurance Coverage for Pollution Claims. 12 UH L. Rev. 83.

Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Hawai‘i. 16 UH L. Rev. 85.

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