Part I. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act


327-1 Definitions

327-2 Making, amending, revoking, and refusing to make

anatomical gifts by individual

327-3 Making, revoking, and objecting to anatomical gifts,

by others

327-4 Authorization by medical examiner, coroner, coroner's

physician, or director of health

327-5 Repealed

327-5.5 Required referral

327-5.6 Organ and tissue education special fund

327-6 Persons who may become donees; purposes for which

anatomical gifts may be made

327-7 Delivery of document of gift

327-8 Rights and duties at death

327-9 Coordination of procurement and use

327-10 Sale or purchase of parts prohibited

327-11 Examination, autopsy, liability

327-12 Transitional provisions

327-13 Uniformity of application and construction

327-14 Short title

Part II. Donation of Eyes after Death

327-21 to 24 Repealed

Part III. Unclaimed Bodies

327-31 Medical, etc., use of unclaimed bodies authorized

327-32 Administration; duties of health officers, etc.

327-33 Duties of university, etc., receiving bodies

327-34 Claimants; surrender

327-35 Refusal of university, etc.

327-36 Final disposition of bodies retained for medical

education and research purposes

327-37 Exceptions

327-38 Prohibitions; penalty

327-39 Immunity from liability

Part IV. General Provisions

327-51 Exemption from strict liability

327-52 Requests for anatomical gifts

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