Part I. General and Administrative Provisions


304-1 Establishment; available to all

304-1.5 University of Hawaii-West Oahu special fund

304-2 University to be public corporation; general powers

304-3 Regents; appointment; tenure; qualifications; meetings

304-4 Powers of regents; official name

304-4.3 University attorneys

304-4.4 Public meetings

304-4.5 Benchmarks

304-4.6 Special and revolving fund fees and charges

304-5 Purposes of university

304-6 Suits

304-6.2 University of Hawaii risk management special fund

304-6.3 Service of process

304-6.5 Indemnification of collaborating institutions

304-7 Gifts; investment authority

304-7.5 Budget appropriations; University of Hawaii

304-7.6 University of Hawaii equipment

304-7.8 Appropriations for special and revolving funds of

the University of Hawaii

304-7.9 Management of special and revolving funds of the

University of Hawaii

304-8 Appropriations; accounts; reports

304-8.1 Research and training revolving fund

304-8.2 Student health center revolving fund

304-8.3 Transcript and diploma revolving fund

304-8.4 Vocational and technical training projects

revolving fund

304-8.41 University of Hawaii commercial enterprises

revolving fund

304-8.5 Animal research farm, Waialee, Oahu revolving fund

304-8.6 University of Hawaii student activities revolving fund

304-8.7 University of Hawaii at Manoa intercollegiate

athletics revolving fund and University of Hawaii at

Hilo intercollegiate athletics revolving fund

304-8.8 University of Hawaii at Manoa malpractice

special fund

304-8.85 Repealed

304-8.86 University of Hawaii workers' compensation and

unemployment insurance compensation trust fund

304-8.9 Systemwide information technology and services

special fund

304-8.91 Child care programs revolving fund

304-8.911 Child care programs

304-8.92 Discoveries and inventions revolving fund

304-8.93 Library special fund

304-8.94 Conference center revolving fund

304-8.945 Conference center revolving fund for Hilo campus

304-8.946 University of Hawaii-Hilo theatre revolving fund

304-8.95 Hawaii opportunity program in education

304-8.955 University of Hawaii community services special fund

304-8.956 University of Hawaii auxiliary enterprises special


304-8.957 University of Hawaii real property and facilities use

revolving fund

304-8.96 University of Hawaii housing assistance revolving fund

304-8.97 University of Hawaii alumni revolving fund

304-8.98 University of Hawaii graduate application revolving


304-9 Land-grant college aid

304-10 Loans; advances

304-10.5 Contracts for services provided by the Research

Corporation of the University of Hawaii

304-11 Personnel

304-12 Exchange privileges of faculty members; conditions

304-12.5 Graduate assistants; scholarship program

304-13 Classification schedule

304-13.5 Annual report

304-14, 14.5 to 14.9 Repealed

304-15, 16 Repealed

304-16.5 University of Hawaii tuition and fees special fund;

tuition schedule and waivers

304-16.6 Student scholarship and assistance special fund

304-17, 18 Repealed

304-18.5 GEAR UP Hawaii scholarship trust fund

304-19 Reporting of exempt fees of scholarship holders

304-20 College of education

304-20.5 Center for teacher education; university-school


304-20.6 Hawaii educator loan program; special fund

304-21, 22 Repealed

304-23 Hawaii history

304-24 Depository of war records

304-25 Compensation of laboratory school cafeteria personnel

304-26 Lunch program

304-27 University of Hawaii at Manoa laboratory school summer

programs revolving fund

304-28 Tuberculosis clearance certification; exemption

Part II. Special Divisions, Programs, and Departments

A. Aquarium and Marine Laboratory

304-30 State aquarium

304-31 State aquarium; site

304-32 Aquarium admission fee

304-33 State aquarium special fund

B. Center for Labor Education and Research

304-34 Center for labor education and research

304-35 Functions and programs

304-36 Labor education advisory council

304-37 Revolving fund

C. School of Nursing

304-39 Creation of school of nursing

304-40 Functions of school

304-41 Power to contract

D. Geophysics Institute

304-42 Geophysics institute; director and staff

304-43 State geophysicists

304-44 Encouragement of federal assistance

304-44.5 Repealed

E. Overseas Operations and Asian Studies

304-45 to 49 Repealed

F. Land Study Program

304-50 to 53 Repealed

G. Economic Research Center

304-54 Repealed

H. Food and Beverage

304-55 Courses of instruction

I. Leahi Hospital

304-61 Renumbered

J. Law School

304-62 Creation of law school

304-62.5 Procurement institute; established

K. Program of Equal Educational Opportunity

304-63 Program of equal educational opportunity; established

304-63.1 Coordinating office of educational services for

the disadvantaged; created

L. High Technology Research

304-65 Pacific international center for high technology

research; established

M. Special Residency Program

304-66.1 Findings and purpose

304-66.2 Qualifications for residency program

304-66.3 Contract necessary for filling of positions

304-66.4 Penalty for breach of contract

304-66.5 Residency program; defined

N. Other Programs

304-67 Family practice residency program; established

304-67.5 Running start program

304-68 International exchange program for health-related


304-68.5 International exchange health care tourism revolving


O. Hawaiian Language College

304-69 Creation

304-70 Functions

Part III. Agriculture

304-71 Agricultural extension service; experiment station

304-72 Specialist in cooperative organizations

304-73 Soil conservation; policy

304-74 Board to act as agency

304-75 Powers and duties of agency

304-76 Agriculture, forestry, and natural resource

management program at Hilo

304-77 Seed distribution program; revolving fund

Part IV. Student Loan Assistance Program

304-91 Student loan fund

304-92 Eligibility for loans; amounts

304-93 Repayment of loans; collection

304-94 Capacity of minors

304-95 Rules and regulations

Part V. Bookstores

304-101 Community college and Hilo campus bookstore revolving


Part VI. Western Governors University

304-111 Participation and membership in the Western

Governors University and other educational consortia

304-112 Western Governors University special fund

Part VII. Medical Education Council

304-116 Definitions

304-117 Medical education program

304-118 Medical education council

304-119 Council duties

304-120 Council powers

304-121 Medical education special fund


Discontinuance of certain special and revolving funds; etc. L 1993, c 280, §47.

East-West Center:

Corporation Act. L 1975, c 82; L 1997, c 137; L 1998, c 2, §110.

Extension of Social Security Act to center employees. L 2004, c 176.

Hiring of retired teachers (repealed July 1, 2005). L 2001, c 307.

Hydrogen fuel research public and private partnership (repealed July 1, 2006). L 2001, c 283.

Cross References

Bridge to hope program, see §346-68.

College savings program, see chapter 256.

Commission for national and community service, see chapter 90D.

Individual development accounts, see chapter 257.

Professional or vocational licensing sanctions for default on student loans, see §436B-19.6 and chapter 436C.

Tuition assistance for national guard personnel, see §121-45.

University of Hawaii optional retirement system, see §88-8.

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