Part I. Highways, Generally
264-1 Public highways and trails
264-2 Owned by government
264-3 Disposal of abandoned public highway
264-4 Restoration of boundary markers
264-5 In lieu of other compensation
264-6 State highway not to be disturbed without permit
264-7 Permits, fees, etc.
264-8 Specifications, standards, procedures
264-8.5 Repealed
264-9 Backfilling, repaving, repairing, expense of
permit holder
264-10 Deposit of fees, etc.; inspectors
264-11 Performance bond
264-12 Penalty for violations
264-13 Easements, etc., along state highways
264-14 Permit and paving requirements
264-15 Highway advance acquisition; source of funds
264-16 State highway clearing accounts
264-17 Public hearing
264-18 Use of highway fund for bikeways
264-19 Transportation improvement special fund
264-20 Flexibility in highway design; liability of State,
counties, and public utilities
Part II. Federal-Aid Highways
264-21 Definitions
264-22 State highway department
264-23 Duties of director
264-24 Powers of director
264-25 Signs and markings on federal-aid highways
264-26 Combination of federal and state funds
264-27 Repealed
264-28 Federal-aid projects; mandatory on council
264-29 Council's authority
264-30 Transfers of county funds
264-31 Maintenance of federal-aid highways
264-32 Utility facility defined
264-33 Relocation of utility facilities
264-33.5 Underground installation of utility facilities along
federal-aid highways; when required; when waived
264-34 Portions of projects deemed one
264-35 Assistance for displaced families and business
264-36 Conformance with county general or master plans
Part III. State Highway System
264-41 Establishment
264-42 Authority to include other public highways in
the state highway system
264-43 Responsibility
264-44 Maintenance of state highway system
Part IV. Controlled-Access Facilities
264-61 Definition of a controlled-access facility
264-62 Authority to establish controlled-access facilities
264-63 Acquisition of property
264-64 Design of controlled-access facility and regulation,
restriction, or prohibition of access; penalty
264-65 New and existing facilities; grade-crossing
264-66 Authority to enter into agreements
264-67 Local service roads
Part V. Outdoor Advertising
264-71 Definitions
264-72 Control of outdoor advertising
264-73 Regulations
264-74 Removal of nonconforming outdoor advertising
264-75 Compensation for removal of outdoor advertising
264-76 Unlawful outdoor advertising
264-77 Penalty
264-78 Interpretation
264-79 Agreements with the United States authorized
Part VI. Junkyard Control
264-81 Short title
264-82 Purposes
264-83 Definitions
264-84 Control of junkyards
264-85 Junkyards lawfully in existence
264-86 Requirement as to screening
264-87 Authority to acquire interest in land for
removal and screening of existing junkyards
264-88 Injunction
264-89 Interpretation
264-90 Agreements with the United States authorized
Part VII. Control of Vending
264-101 Vending from highways prohibited
264-102 Penalty
Part VIII. Impact Fees
264-121 Definitions
264-122 Highway development special fund
264-123 Authority to assess impact fees; needs assessment study
264-124 Impact fees; director's consent
264-125 Refund of impact fees to county
264-126 Adoption of rules
264-127 Limitations on actions