232-1 Appeals by persons under contractual obligations
232-2 Assessment in accordance with return no cause of
232-3 Grounds of appeal, real property taxes
232-4 Second appeal
232-5 Small claims
Boards of Review
232-6 Appointment, removal, compensation
232-7 Boards of review; duties, powers, procedure before
Tax Appeal Court; Procedure Before
232-8 Judges; assignment of cases
232-9 Clerk; reporter; custody of records
232-10 Sessions held where, when
232-11 Court of record; general duties, powers, seal
232-12 Powers when hearing appeals
232-13 Hearing de novo; bill of particulars
Rules and Forms
232-14 Rules and forms
Appeals from Department of Taxation
232-14.5 Appeals relating to claims for refund
Appeals from Assessors
232-15 Appeal to board of review
232-16 Appeal to tax appeal court
Appeals from Boards of Review
232-17 Appeals from boards of review to tax appeal court
232-18 Certificate of appeal to tax appeal court
Appeals from Tax Appeal Court
232-19 Appeals to supreme court; procedure
232-20 Certificate of appeal
232-21 Supreme court may admit additional evidence
Costs; Deposits; Procedure after Decision
232-22 Costs; deposit for on appeal
232-23 Costs, taxation
232-24 Taxes paid pending appeal
232-25 Amendment of assessment list to conform to decision
Rules of Court
See Tax Appeal Court Rules.
Law Journals and Reviews
Hawaii's General Excise Tax Law: A Comprehensive Review of the Decisions. II HBJ No. 13, at pg. 1.