Part I. General Provisions
206E-1 Findings and purpose
206E-2 Definitions
206E-3 Hawaii community development authority; established
206E-4 Powers; generally
206E-5 Designation of community development districts;
community development plans
206E-6 District-wide improvement program
206E-7 Community development rules
206E-8 Use of public lands; acquisition of state lands
206E-8.5 Developments within special management areas and
shoreline setback
206E-9 Acquisition of real property from a county
206E-10 Condemnation of real property
206E-10.5 Relocation
206E-11 Construction contracts
206E-12 Dedication for public facilities as condition to
206E-13 Public projects
206E-14 Sale or lease of redevelopment projects
206E-15 Residential projects; cooperative agreements
206E-16 Hawaii community development revolving fund
206E-16.5 Expenditures of revolving funds under the authority
exempt from appropriation and allotment
206E-17 Exemption from taxation
206E-18 Assistance by state and county agencies
206E-19 Annual report
206E-20 Court proceedings; preferences; venue
206E-21 Issuance of bonds
206E-22 Violations and penalty
Part II. Kakaako Community Development District
206E-31 Kakaako community development district; purposes
206E-32 District; established, boundaries
206E-33 Kakaako community development district; development
guidance policies
Part II. Kakaako Community Development District
206E-34 Cultural public market
Part III. Reserved Housing Loan Programs
206E-101 Definitions
206E-102 Rules; eligible loans
206E-103 Revenue bonds; authorization
206E-104 Revenue bonds; payment and security
206E-105 Revenue bonds; interest rate, price, and sale
206E-106 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption
206E-107 Trustee; designation, duties
206E-108 Trust indenture
206E-109 Repealed
206E-110 Reserved housing loan programs; procedures and
206E-111 Reserved housing loan programs; general powers
206E-112 Reserved housing loan programs; self supporting
206E-113 Reserved housing loan programs; fees
206E-114 Reserved housing loan programs; evidence of eligible
loan or eligible project loan
206E-115 Loans to lenders program
206E-116 Loan to lenders program; collateral security
206E-117 Purchase of existing loans program
206E-118 Advance commitments program
206E-119 Eligible loan and eligible project loan funding
206E-120 Loans; service and custody
206E-121 Loans; sale, pledge, or assignment
206E-122 Loans; insurance and guarantees
206E-123 Loans; default
Part IV. Revenue Bonds for Public Facility Projects
206E-151 Findings and declarations
206E-152 Definitions
206E-153 Revenue bonds; authorization
206E-154 Revenue bonds; payment and security
206E-155 Revenue bonds; interest rate, price, and sale
206E-156 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption
206E-157 Revenue bonds; special funds
206E-158 Trustee; designation, duties
206E-159 Trust indenture
Part V. Hamakua Community Development District--Repealed
206E-171 to 173 Repealed
Part VI. Special Facility Projects
206E-181 Definitions
206E-182 Powers
206E-183 Findings and determination for special facility leases
206E-184 Special facility lease
206E-185 Special facility revenue bonds
206E-186 Special facility revenue bonds; special funds
Part VII. Kalaeloa Community Development District
206E-191 Barbers Point Naval Air Station redevelopment; power to
redevelop established
206E-192 Designation of the Kalaeloa community development
206E-193 District established; boundaries
206E-194 Kalaeloa community development district; development
guidance policies
206E-195 Kalaeloa community development revolving fund
206E-196 Assessment for operating costs
206E-197 Complaints
206E-198 Remedies
206E-199 Reports