Part I. General Provisions


103F-101 Application of this chapter

103F-102 Definitions

103F-103 Education and training

103F-104 Exemption from chapter 103D

103F-105 Preventing impairment of federal funds

103F-106 Authority of the procurement policy board

Part II. Planning Organization

103F-201 Interagency committee on purchase of health and human


103F-202 Community council

103F-203 Collaboration of providers

Part III. Procurement Organization

103F-301 Powers and duties of the administrator

103F-302 Delegation of authority of the administrator of the

state procurement office

Part IV. Source Selection and Contract Formation

103F-401 Methods of selection

103F-402 Competitive purchase of services

103F-403 Restrictive purchase of services

103F-404 Treatment purchase of services

103F-405 Small purchases

103F-406 Crisis purchase of services

103F-407 Amendment and cancellation of requests

103F-408 Modification and termination of contracts

103F-409 Types of contracts

103F-410 Multi-term contracts

103F-411 Multiple awards

103F-412 Time line

103F-413 Interim measure for assuring continuation of services

103F-414 Allotment

Part V. Protests

103F-501 Protested awards

103F-502 Right to request reconsideration

103F-503 Award of contract suspended during a protest

103F-504 Exclusivity of remedies

Cross References

Grants and subsidies, see chapter 42F.

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