11 Elections, Generally
12 Primary Elections
13 Board of Education
13D Board of Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
14 Presidential Elections
15 Absentee Voting
15A Voting by Mailing Ballot--Repealed
16 Voting Systems
16A Uniform Act for Voting by New Residents in Presidential
17 Vacancies
18 Districting--Repealed
19 Election Offense
REPEALED. L 1970, c 26, §3.
Part I. General Provisions
11-1 Definitions
11-1.5 Office of elections established
11-1.55 Exemptions
11-1.6 Appointment of the chief election officer;
requirements; term; restrictions; salary;
reappointment; removal
11-2 Chief election officer; duties
11-2.5 to 2.7 Repealed
11-3 Application of chapter
11-4 Rules and regulations
11-5 Employees
11-6 Petitions; withdrawal of signatures
11-7 Elections commission
11-7.5 Duties of the elections commission
11-8 Elections commission; political activities
11-8.5 Elections review program
11-9 Exemptions
Part II. Registration
11-11 Registration
11-12 Age; place of registering
11-13 Rules for determining residency
11-14 General county register; restrictions in use
11-14.5 Residence address; confidentiality
11-14.6 Repealed
11-15 Application to register
11-15.5 Duties of all state agencies; voter registration
11-16 Application when not made in person
11-17 Removal of names from register, when; reregistration
11-18 Transfer of registration on removal from one precinct
to another in same county
11-19 Registration from one county to another
11-20 Transfers; name changes; initiated by clerk
11-21 Change of name, transfer on election day
11-22 Changing register; correction of errors
11-23 Changing register; striking names of disqualified
11-24 Closing register; list of voters
11-25 Challenge by voters; grounds; procedure
11-26 Appeal from ruling on challenge; or failure of clerk
to act
Part III. Boards of Registration
11-41 Boards of registration, appointment, tenure
11-42 Compensation
11-43 Powers; procedures
11-44 Records of proceedings
Part IV. Appeal from Board of Registration
11-51 Appeal from board to supreme court
11-52 Hearing; decision final
11-53 Decision, notice; action on
11-54 Status pending appeal
Part V. Parties
11-61 "Political party" defined
11-62 Qualification of political parties; petition
11-63 Party rules, amendments to be filed
11-64 Names of party officers to be filed
11-65 Determination of party disqualification; notice of
Part VI. Precinct Officials and Watchers
11-71 Precinct officials; precinct requirements
11-72 Precinct officials; submission of names and
assignment; vacancies
11-73 Instruction of precinct officials
11-74 Meetings of precinct officials; procedure; oaths
11-75 Duties of precinct officials
11-76 Compensation
11-77 Appointment of watchers; service
Part VII. Conduct of Elections
11-91 Proclamation
11-91.5 Federal, state, and county elections by mail
11-92 Repealed
11-92.1 Election proclamation; establishment of a new precinct
11-92.2 Multiple polling place sites
11-92.3 Consolidated precincts; natural disasters;
postponement; absentee voting required; special
11-93 Voting units
11-94 Exemptions of voters on election day
11-95 Employees entitled to leave on election day for voting
11-96 Records prima facie evidence
11-97 Records open to inspection
11-98 Forms and materials used in elections
11-99 Members of Congress, applicability of election laws
Part VIII. Ballots
11-111 Official and facsimile ballots
11-112 Contents of ballot
11-113 Presidential ballots
11-114 Order of offices on ballot
11-115 Arrangement of names on the ballot
11-116 Checking ballot form by candidates and parties
11-117 Withdrawal of candidates; disqualification; death;
11-118 Vacancies; new candidates; insertion of names on
11-118.5 Constitutional amendments, proposed
11-119 Printing; quantity
11-120 Distribution of ballots; record
Part IX. Voting Procedures
11-131 Hours of voting
11-132 Two hundred foot radius; admission within polling
11-133 Voting booths; placement of visual aids
11-134 Ballot transport containers; ballot boxes
11-135 Early collection of ballots
11-136 Poll book, identification, voting
11-137 Secrecy; removal or exhibition of ballot
11-138 Time allowed voters
11-139 Voting assistance
11-140 Spoiled ballots
Part X. Vote Disposition
11-151 Vote count
11-152 Method of counting
11-153 More or less ballots than recorded
11-154 Records, etc.; disposition
11-155 Certification of results of election
11-156 Certificate of election and certificate of results,
11-157 In case of tie
Part XI. Election Contests
11-171 Applicability of this part
11-172 Contests for cause; generally
11-173 Repealed
11-173.5 Contests for cause in primary, special primary
elections, and county elections held concurrently
with a regularly scheduled primary or special
primary election
11-174 Repealed
11-174.5 Contests for cause in general, special general,
special, and runoff elections
11-175 Powers of supreme court; costs
11-176 Repealed
Part XII. Expenses
A. Election Expenses
11-181 Capital equipment
11-182 Election expenses when no county elections
11-183 Election expenses when no state elections
11-184 Election expenses and responsibilities in combined
state and county elections
B. Election Campaign Contributions and Expenditures
11-191 Definitions
11-192 Campaign spending commission
11-192.5 Commissioners; political activities
11-193 Duties of the commission
11-194 Registration
11-195 Filing of reports, generally
11-196 Organizational report, candidate's committee
11-196.5 Organizational report, noncandidate committee
11-197 Designated central committee
11-198 Campaign treasurer
11-199 Campaign contributions, generally
11-200 Campaign contributions; restrictions against transfer
11-201 Anonymous contributions; unlawful
11-202 False name
11-203 Fundraisers and fundraising activities
11-203.5 Prohibition of fundraising on state or county property
11-204 Campaign contributions; limits as to persons
11-204.5 Limit on contributions from nonresident individuals
and persons
11-205 Campaign contributions; limits as to political parties
11-205.5 Campaign contributions by state and county contractors
11-205.6 Campaign contributions; loans
11-206 Campaign contributions; restrictions as to surplus
11-207 Other contributions and expenditures
11-207.5 Late contributions; reports
11-207.6 Electioneering communications
11-208 Voluntary campaign expenditure limitation
11-209 Campaign expenditures; limits as to amounts
11-210 Study and recommendation
11-211 House bulletins
11-212 Preliminary reports
11-213 Final and supplemental reports
11-214 Disposition of funds
11-215 Advertising
11-216 Complaints, investigation, and notice; determination
11-217 Hawaii election campaign fund; creation
11-217.5 Depletion of fund
11-218 Candidate funding; amounts available
11-219 Qualifying campaign contributions; amounts
11-220 Eligibility for payments
11-221 Entitlement to payments
11-222 Candidate funding; application
11-223 Candidate funding; restrictions
11-224 Public funds; report required; return of funds
11-225 Public funds; examination and audit; payments
11-226 Tax deductions
11-227 Public notices
11-228 Administrative fines; relief
11-229 Criminal prosecution
Attorney General Opinions
County charter providing for nonpartisan election of prosecutor does not conflict with this chapter. Att. Gen. Op. 85-7.