Case Notes
Paragraph (7) is limited to cases involving minors who were waived for adult prosecution under §571-22. 61 H. 385, 605 P.2d 496.
Subsections are not to be read conjunctively. 69 H. 602, 752 P.2d 597.
As sentencing court limited to alternatives expressly enumerated in §188-70 and probation not an enumerated alternative, offense of fishing with gill nets under §188-30.2 nonprobationable; thus, under paragraph (5), deferred acceptance of no contest plea not allowed for that offense. 87 H. 102, 952 P.2d 390.
The plain and unambiguous language of paragraph (2) does not prohibit the grant of a deferred acceptance of no contest plea for assault in the second degree under §707-711 causing "substantial bodily injury", as statutory prohibition expressly applies only to felony and misdemeanor assaults inflicting "bodily injury" or "serious bodily injury". 101 H. 409, 70 P.3d 635.
When family court implicitly entered a deferred acceptance of guilty plea pursuant to §853-1 and conditioned deferral upon defendant's submitting to counseling according to schedule and not committing any subsequent offenses, family court violated paragraph (2), where defendant was charged with abuse of family and household member (§709-906). 10 H. App. 148, 861 P.2d 759.
Where the indictment alleges that a "dangerous instrument" was used in the commission of the offense charged so as to allow proof that a "firearm" was used, the possibility exists that the defendant is not eligible for a deferred acceptance of no contest (DANC) plea; in such cases, if prior to the court's decision on the defendant's motion for a DANC plea the court is informed that the "dangerous instrument" was a "firearm", the defendant is not eligible for, and the court is not authorized to enter, a DANC plea. 101 H. 65 (App.), 62 P.3d 628.
Mentioned: 74 H. 75, 837 P.2d 776.
R = Repealed
Former § Present § Former § Present §
C721 R
C722 R
C723 R
C724 R
C725 R
C726 R
727-1 to 24 R
727-25 134-51
728-1 to 7 R
728-9, 10 R
C729 R
730-1 to 12 851-1 to 12
C731 R
732-1 172-13
C733 R
734-1, 2 338-25.5, 25.6
734-3 R
C735 R
C736 R
C737 R
C738 R
C739 R
C740 R
C741 R
C742 R
C743 R
C744 R
C745 R
C746 R
C747-1 to 16 R
747-17 603-23.5
747-18 to 25 R
C748 R
C749 R
C750 R
C751 R
C752 R
C753 R
754-1, 2 852-1, 2
C755 R
C756 R
C757-1, 2 379A-1, 2
C758 R
C759 R
760-1 to 3 R
C761 R
C762 R
C763 R
C764 R
C765 R
C766 R
C767 R
C768 R
769-1 134-52
C770 R
C771 R
C772 R
773-1 to 3 R
774-1 486A-1
Renumbered Section Numbers to Original Section Numbers
Present Renumbered § Initial Renumbered § Original §
801-1 721-1 705-4
801-2 to 4 721-2 to 4 705-6 to 8
801-5 721-5 705-5
802-1 to 12 722-1 to 12 705C-1 to 12
803-1 to 11 723-1 to 11 708-1 to 11
803-21 to 24 723-21 to 24 708-21 to 24
803-31 to 38 723-31 to 38 708-31 to 38
804-1 to 19 724-1 to 19 709-1 to 19
804-31 to 41 724-31 to 41 709-31 to 41
804-51 724-51 709-51
805-1 to 11 725-1 to 11 710-1 to 11
805-12 725-12 710-15
806-1, 2 726-1, 2 711-1, 2
806-6 to 10 726-6 to 10 711-6 to 10
806-16 to 18 726-16 to 18 711-16 to 18
806-21 to 23 726-21 to 23 711-21 to 23
806-26 to 42 726-26 to 42 711-26 to 42
806-46 to 51 726-46 to 51 711-46 to 51
806-56 726-56 711-56
806-61 to 64 726-61 to 64 711-61 to 64
806-65, 66 726-65, 66 711-67, 68
806-71 726-71 711-84
806-72, 73 726-72, 73 711-78, 79
806-76 726-76 711-96
831-1 to 7 731-1 to 7 716-1 to 7
832-1 to 27 732-1 to 27 713-1 to 27
833-1 to 6 733-1 to 6 713C-1 to 6
834-1 to 6 734-1 to 6 714-1 to 6
835-1 to 8 735-1 to 8 718-1 to 8
836-1 to 6 736-1 to 6 719-1 to 6
841-1 to 19 741-1 to 19 715-1 to 19
842-1 to 12 742-1 to 12 720-1 to 12
851-1 to 12 751-1 to 12 730-1 to 12
852-1, 2 752-1, 2 754-1, 2
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