§657-18 Extension by absence from State. If at any time when any cause of action specified in this part or section 663-3 accrues against any person, the person is out of the State, the action may be commenced within the terms respectively limited, after the return of the person into the State, and if, after the cause of action has accrued, the person departs from and resides out of the State, the time of the person's absence shall not be deemed or taken as any part of the time limited for the commencement of the action. [CC 1859, §1041; RL 1925, §2652; RL 1935, §3923; RL 1945, §10434; RL 1955, §241-17; HRS §657-18; am L 1972, c 105, §1(j); gen ch 1985]

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