HRS 0626-0001-0902 ANNOTATIONS


This rule is identical with Fed. R. Evid. 902 except for the substitution, in paragraph (4), of the words, "statute or rule prescribed by the supreme court," for the federal language, "Act of Congress or rule prescribed by the Supreme Court pursuant to statutory authority," and the substitution, in paragraph (10), of "statute" for "Act of Congress." "Self-authentication," as the name implies, denotes a finding of identity or authenticity of an item based on its mere purport, without recourse to extrinsic evidence. The present rule restates a number of superseded statutes. As the Advisory Committee's Note to Fed. R. Evid. 902 points out, "In no instance is the opposite party foreclosed from disputing authenticity."

Paragraph (1): The Advisory Committee's Note to Fed. R. Evid. 902(1) says: "Whether theoretically based in whole or in part upon judicial notice the practical underlying considerations are that forgery is a crime and detection is fairly easy and certain."

Paragraph (2): In the case of public documents not under seal, as the Advisory Committee's Note to Fed. R. Evid. 902(2) explains, the potential for forgery is greater than in the case of sealed documents. "Hence this paragraph of the rule calls for authentication by an officer who has a seal."

Paragraph (3): This provision extends the presumption of authenticity to foreign documents that have been attested or certified. Compare HRCP 44(a)(2) and Ewing v. Janion, 1 H. 79 (134), (136) (1852).

Paragraph (4): Consistent with the practice in most jurisdictions, Hawaii has long recognized the procedure of authenticating public records by certification. A variety of statutes establish certification procedures for specific types of public records, see, e.g., Hawaii Rev. Stat. §§502-81, 572-13(c) (1976, Supp. 1979). Court procedural rules are in accord, see HRCP 44(a); HRCrP 27.

The requirement for proper certification of copies of such records has been affirmed by the Hawaii courts. See, e.g., Territory v. Branco, 42 H. 304 (1958), in which the court barred admission of photostatic copies of the minutes of the board of public lands because the accompanying certificate of authenticity was not signed by the officer who had legal custody of the records.

It should be noted that certifications are, in themselves, documents requiring authentication independently of the records to which they are appended. They may be received as self-authenticating when prepared and offered in conformity with paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this rule, or when they are accorded a presumption of authenticity by statute, consistent with paragraph (10) of this rule.

Paragraph (5): This rule consolidates the provisions of a number of superseded Hawaii statutes. As the Advisory Committee's Note to Fed. R. Evid. 902(5) points out, this paragraph "does not confer admissibility upon all official publications; it merely provides a means whereby their authenticity may be taken as established for purposes of admissibility."

Paragraph (6): The circumstantial guarantee of authenticity of newspapers and periodicals is sufficiently great to justify a preliminary assumption of admissibility. In Territory v. Sur, 36 H. 332, 340 (1952), the court approved admission of newspaper accounts of football games for the purpose of proving that the games were played on a specific date.

Paragraph (7): The issue of self-authentication of mercantile labels, inscriptions, and trademarks has not been addressed in Hawaii; however, it has found increasing support in other jurisdictions, see Fed. R. Evid. 902(7), Advisory Committee's Note, and the circumstantial guarantee of authenticity of such evidence is great.

Paragraph (8): See Fed. R. Evid. 902(8), Advisory Committee's Note: "In virtually every state, acknowledged title documents are receivable in evidence without further proof.... If this authentication suffices for documents of the importance of those affecting titles, logic scarcely permits denying this method when other kinds of documents are involved."

Paragraph (9): This provision affirms the authentication provisions for negotiable instruments and commercial paper, as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code. Pertinent statutes include Hawaii Rev. Stat. §490:1-202, which provides that various types of commercial documents issued by a third party are prima facie evidence of both their own authenticity and of the facts stated in them; §490:3-307, which establishes the presumption that signatures on a negotiable instrument are genuine or authorized; and §490:3-510, which establishes self-authenticating evidence of dishonor of a negotiable instrument. See Akamine and Sons, Ltd. v. American Security Bank, 50 H. 304, 440 P.2d 262 (1968).

Paragraph (10): Consistent with the parallel provision in Rule 901(b)(10) supra, this paragraph affirms the validity of other statutory provisions for self-authentication. Nothing in this rule should be construed to supersede such provisions.


The Act 134, Session Laws 2002 amendment adds paragraph (11) to the collection of self-authenticating documents of rule 902, and thus implements the certification procedure established in the 2002 amendment to rule 803(b)(6) ("records of regularly conducted activity"). The Federal Rules of Evidence and Uniform Rules of Evidence have similarly modified rule 902.


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